
Język angielski

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Czas Present Simple

Czasu tego używamy, gdy mówimy o czynnościach wykonywanych rutynowo (często), a także o prawach przyrody. Przysłówki częstotliwości używane w tym czasie (które warto zapamiętać): always - zawsze often - często usually - zwykle sometimes -...


How much\ How many\a lot of (policzalne i niepoliczalne)

a lot of - dla policzalnych i niepoliczalnych w zdaniach twierdzących np. You need a lot of eggs. many - dla policzalnych w przeczeniach i pytaniach np. Do you bed many apples? You don't need many eggs. much - dla niepoliczalnych w...


Czasownik modalny - Can

Forma Can przyjmuje tylko jedną formę dla wszystkich osób w odniesieniu czasu teraźniejszego i przyszłego, oraz could do czasu przeszłego. Przeczenie tworzymy przez dodanie partykuły not (cannot (pisane łącznie) - can't, could not -...


Travelling by car- advantages and disadvantages.

There are many different means of transport. Sometimes we can't imagine how people could live without cars, buses, trains and planes many years ago. Some people prefer travelling by car, others think that it's dangerous and polluts the...


My ideal place in the World - moje wymarzone (idealne) miejsce na ziemi

Every person in the world has had some moments in his life in which he wonted to reside in different place from that he is staing now so called he ideal place. When we say that we imagine the place in which there are hot sand beaches, palms...


Describe a person you dislike, and explain why you feel his way about him or her

There is no such person who likes everybody. I’m not different. There are couple persons who I dislike. One of theme is a man but I can’t say that I hate him. I’m not going to tell that person name. He’s very arrogant man. He was always speaking...


Dni tygodnia, miesiące, alfabet po Angielsku

Alfabet A [ej] H [ejcz] O [ou] V [wi] B [bi] I [ajl P [pj] W [dablju] C [si] J [dżej] Q [kju] X [eks] D [di] K [kej] R [ar] Y [łaj] E [i] L [el]...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Sue, This place is absolutely amazing! I'm in Marseille, you know, on the south coast of France. Wherever you look, there's nothing but water and sand. The town we're staying in is small but charming. We sleep in all morning and spend the...


List po angielsku, przykładowy do przyjaciółki

Dear Gosia, Thanks for your last letter. It was nice to hear from you and to read what you've already planned for our meeting. But you know, I have a few more questions about it. You've written that it's not too expensive to find me a place...


Useful phrases and clues for the writing paper FCE, CAE, CPE

ESSAY clear introduction, outline the situation as it is / had been recently. Rhetorical question to lead into the main body. Clear paragraphs, each covering a particular point in your argument or aspect of the subject. Identify whether the task...


Opis: osoby, miejsca, wydarzenia - wzory

I. OPIS OSOBY (czas teraźniejszy) 1. miejsce i czas spotkania tej osoby; uzasadnienie dlaczego wybieramy tę osobę do opisu. 2. wygląd zewnętrzny 3. opis charakteru osoby, podanie cech z uzasadnieniem 4. opis zajęć które osoba wykonuje:...


Mój ulubiony sport.

I am rather fit and play sport almost every day my favourite sport is swimming I started going to the swimming pool with my mother when I was 4 years old. The water in the swimming pool seemed very cold to me then and I did not want to get into...


Czas Present Continuous

FORMA Osoba + am/are/is + Czasownik + ing Zdanie twierdzące Liczba pojedyncza I am studying English. Ja uczę się angielskiego. You are studying English. Ty uczysz się angielskiego. He She It is...


Present Continuous

Jest to drugi czas dotyczący teraźniejszości. Stosujemy go do wyrażenia czynności odbywającej się w chwili mówienia (obecnie) lub gdy chcemy opisać czynność , która zostanie wykonana w najbliższej przyszłości. Ważne jest, aby dokładnie określić...


Advantages and disadvantages of being famous

It is widely believed that famous people have a wonderful life with no worries or problems. But is being famous so easy? The greatest advantage of being famous is that celebrities are usually very rich so they have easier life than other...


Tryby Warunkowe

1. Tryb zerowy : mówi nam o rzeczach i zjawiskach, które zawsze są prawdziwe. If / When + Present Simple (3. os. l. poj. -s ), podmiot + Present Simple When is a cold, i don't go to school. If Kate is sad, she listens to the music. 2....


Czasowniki nieregularne - angielski

TŁUMACZENIE INFINITIVE PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE być be was / were been bić beat beat beaten stawać się become became become zaczynać begin began begun gryźć bite bit bitten...


Person I admire the most

The person I admire the most is Jan Paweł II his real name Karol Wojtyła. When He was young He lived in Wadowice where He was born, next He moved to Cracow where he was studying at Jagielonski University next in October 1979 he went to Vatican and...


Climate and weather in Britain

The weather seems to be everybody's favorite topic of conversation in Britain. This is not because people are particularly interested in it, but because people have to talk about something, and the weather serves as a convenient subject. The...


Przydatne zwroty używane w listach formalnych, nieformalnych, w opowiadaniu i w rozprawca.

Formal letter: Nie wolno skrótów! I would be grateful if you could inform me... I would appreciate it if... I wolud be intrested in knowing... It would help me if... I would like you to send me... Greetings: Dear Sir/Madam Dear Sirs Dear...


I would like to be

I would like to be a doctor, because I like helping people. Especially when they are ill. I like helping children very much. I am fourteen years old and I am interested in medicine. I already know the names of some diseases. My dream is to live...


Traditional and home shopping

We say about traditional shopping, but traditional shopping can divide into two different kinds: buying in supermarkets and buying in bazaar. The first kind of buying is most popular, because supermarkets are almost everywhere and all most...


Opis świąt - Wielkanoc

Opisz charakter i przebieg jednych z najbardziej popularnych świąt w Polsce. Easter is held every year at the end of April to honour the crucifixion of Christ. As one of the catholic holidays is also celebrated in church everywhere in the...


My favourite film is

My favourite film is Armagedon. It is a science-fiction film. The film is about the struggle between people and a huge meteor. If it fell down, our planet would be destroyed. Boss Dan Thruman, played by Billy Bob Thomton, thinks that mission of...


Advantages and disadvantages of old age

The question isn’t that simple. My opinion can be based only on my experiences and observations. I am not old, so I can’t feel how it is to be old, but I meet older people every day in school, on the street and at home and I have my own view....


Must, could, might, can’t - wszystko

a) używamy do wyrażania dygresji prawdopodobieństwa na temat teraźniejszości: must be – 95% sure; np. He must be in love. (very probalbe that he is in love); could be - 45% sure; np. He could be in love. (possible, but less probable); might...


Przyszłość Świata w następnych pięćdziesięciu latach

Witam ^_^ to moja pierwsza zamieszczona tu praca więc mam nadzieję, że się spodoba. Jest to krótki tekst o wyobrażeniu świata za 50 lat. Możliwe, że jest tam kilka błędów - nikt nie jest doskonały :D Podaję wersję po angielsku i na wszelki wypadek...


Podróżowanie i turystyka- słówka-repetytorium oxford

Aeroplane/aircraft/airplane-samolot bicycle/bike-rower boat-statek/lodka bus-autobus car-samochod coach-autokar ferry-prom lorry/truck-ciezarowka minibus- mikrobus motorbike/motorcycle-motocykl taxi/cab-taksowka train-pociag...


Analiza czasów z języka angielskiego

Present Simple Używamy: Kiedy chcemy powiedzieć o naszych zajęciach , które wykonujemy systematycznie, co jakiś okreslony czas. Kiedy chcemy wypowiedzieć się na jakiś temat (tu: myśli , odczucia) Kiedy mówimy o czymś zrozumiałym jak ,np....


Past Simple

Czas ten wyraża czynności, które zostały wykonane w przeszłości, a moment ich wykonania jest dokładnie określony. Past Simple stosuje się także, gdy mówimy ogólnie o przeszłości lub czynnościach wykonywanych w przeszłości regularnie. W...


Sport in my life

Sport was in my life, there is and there will be in the first place. Since I was a child I’ve played soccer and tennis. I’ve loved sport as I’ve grown up more and more. I learned new games, I recorded for different clubs such as: swimming,...


Zwroty do listu formalnego i nieformalnego

Szanowni państwo- Dear Sir/ Madam Piszę w sprawie pracy- I am writing to apply for the job Piszę do państwa w sprawie ogłoszenia, które ukazało się w..- I am writing with regard to your advertisement.. Uczęszczam do szkoły średniej w..- I attend a...


Reported Speech - Cwiczenia

MOWA ZALEŻNA ( REPORTED SPEECH ) 1 . She said to me : „ I don’t understand what you say „ She told me that ...................................................... didnt understand what you saud 2 . „Will Ann come tommorow „ , I asked...


Tryby warunkowe

Materiał w załączniku


“Wakacje za granicą – wady i zalety” rozprawka

Most people dream about holidays when they work or study. Every year a lot of holiday-makers go abroad to have a nice time there. However, travelling abroad has good and bad points. Firstly, holidays abroad could be very interesting because we...


Would you prefer to live in a city or in a village? Why?

I prefer to live in a city because i think that life in a city is always more exciting and more comfortable than life in a country or in a small town. First of all, in cities there is usually something to do or somewhere to go. In the city there...


A day or a year when everything went wrong.

I remember accurately the day when everything went wrong. It was on a Saturday a year ago. All night on this day, I slept well, but the day brought a lot of bad accidents, so I had a terrible day. First of all, I overslept and was late for...


My favourite city (Paris)

Have you ever wanted to live in a modern city, one of the bigest places to live in a world ? Set in the heart of northern France, Paris is my favourite city. In this lovely place everyone can find something what they like . Paris has many...


Zwroty list formalny

LIST FORMALNY Pisze z zapytaniem o….I AM WRITTING TO ENQUIRE ABOUT Czy moglibyście przesłac mi dalsze szczegóły na tem..COULD YOU PLEASE SEND ME FURTHER DETAILS ABOUT Bylbym wdzieczny za szybka odpI WOULD APPRECIATE A RAPLY AT YOUR EARLIEST...


My ideal teacher

A teacher needs to help children learn. With an ideal teacher you’ll find that you have learnt something new at the end of every lesson. To do this, they must have a zest for their subject and teaching. Making children learn is easier than it...


Opis budynku, zabytku Big Ben

In my opinion Clock Tower is one od the most unique building on earth, because is the world's largest four-faced, chiming clock. The structure is situated at the north-eastern end of the Houses of Parliament building in Westminster, London. It is...


Biografia Fryderyk Chopin

Rej was born in a noble family in Żurawin, near Halicz. His father moved to Russia from Nagłowice, Poland, which is near Kraków. Although he received little formal education in Lwów and one year in Cracow Academy, he managed to educate himself...


Angielski dla początkujących

STRUKTURA ZDANIA : 1.Porządek wyrazów w zdaniu W odróżnieniu od języka polskiego zdanie angielskie ma na ogół ustalony i ściśle przestrzegany porządek. W zdaniu angielskim nie wolno: zmieniać szyku zdania opuszczać orzeczenia i podmiotu...


Moje ulubione miejsce, które pamiętam z dzieciństwa.

There is no other place I could describe. When I was younger every summer holidays I spent in a cottage by the lake. From there comes my favourite memories. Having spent there the best moments of my childhood, I learnt a lot of things and met...


Przepis na potrawe po angielsku

Pasta with delicious sauce Components: ? 50 dag of pasta ? 50 dag of mince meat ? 1 can of tomato pomance ? 1 big onion ? 3 spoons of olive oil ? 2 spoons of flour ? Cayenne ? Pepper ? Salt ? Herbs ? Green parsley Recipe: To give meat good taste...


Ćwiczenia czas-Present Simple

1. I always get up ( get up ) at 6.00 a.m. 2.He …………( not get up ) at 6.00 a.m. He always ……….. ( get up ) at 10.00 a.m. 3.I usually ……….. ( have ) a cold shower . 4.He ………….. ( swim ) in his swimming pool every morning . 5.I never ………....


List prywatny

Brałes udział w międzynarodowej imprezie sportowej jako widz. Napisz list do anglojęzycznego kolegi. - napisz, jakiego wydarzenia sportowego byłeś uczestnikiem i kiedy się ono odbyło - podaj, z jakich krajów i w jakim wieku byli uczestnicy -...


The day that everything went wrong

I set the alarm clock for 7 o'clock and went to bed. It was a terrible day. I woke up at 8 o'clock because my alarm clock was broken. I packed my books and had breakfast. As I was leaving home, I noticed that my dog was waiting for me and...


Oferta handlowa

oferta handlowa


I Wish - If Only