
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Your dreams and plans for the future

Different people have different dreams and plans for the future. Some of them wait to be rich and famous others dream about having a real family. My greatest dream is to be healthy. I mean to walk by myself. My second dream is to flay to the...


To - infinitive, -ing form

Verbs followed by -ing form -enjoy -it's no use -there's no point in -what about -can't stand -can't wait -don't mind it's worth -looking forward to -avoid -deny -admit -risk Verbs followed by to infinitive -decide -agree -refuse -exept -manage...


The most common ways of spending free time in Poland

Most people in Poland have their own ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to have a rest but other times they try to do something more pleasant. They have many different hobbies, which help them to relieve weekly amounts of stress...


Opowiadanie o akcji charytatywnej (spr. przez nauczyciela)

A charity action I had never imagined I would see myself on the news. It was quite funny! The newsreader was talking about the charity action for poor children. Me and my friends were on TV! There was a picture of us- we were singing in the...


Podróżowanie i turystyka

ang.Podróżowanie i turystyka


A narrative story

It seemed that the day would be as boring as usually, but nothing indicated the horror I would go through. I was sitting in a comfortable armchair eating doughnuts and switching the channels when I found the Local News Channel: ‘A boy was torn...


Gerund & Infinitive, Struktury Used To, Get Used to - sciąga

Gotowa do druku ściąga. Jak Ktoś miał z tym już do czynienia to powinien się połapać. Pozdr.......


Opis tradycji Włoch

ITALY Italy is a beautiful country in south of Europe. Its tropical climate, ancient civilization and volcano Etna and Wezuwiusz make it a perfect holiday destination. It is famous for its special shape, ancient civilization and noodles....


Advantages and disadvantages of begin a teenager.

Some people believe that being a teenager is so easy. They often enumerate numerous good things but seems to forget about bad ones. Ok, I agree that our life is easier than adults, but still, it's not so easy as many think. At first, I'd like to...


Advantages and disadvantages of having a big family

There are many advantages and disadvantages of having a big family. In the past families were much bigger than now. Today many couples don’t get married at all or they get married much later, when both partners have started their career. The...


Recenzja serialu Pierwsza Miłość

My favouirte film of all time is 'The First Love'. I watch this film every day. It is a love story. The director is Okil Khamidov. One episod is just over a half an hour. The heroines in this serial are Marysia Radosz, who is twenty years old,...


The young people of today are likely to live longer and be healthier then any other generations - article.

We live in a world full of possibilities. We don't only have an easier life then our parents and grandparents when they were our age, but this life is also much safer. That's why nowadays people are supposed to live longer and be more cheerful....


Nanny McPhee

Nanny McPhee Actors: Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Angela Lansbury, Kelly MacDonald Director: Kirk Jones In this tale, Emma Thompson plays a woman who has special powers. One day...


The worst holiday!

My holiday started in July.I planed to spend 3 weeks by the seaside, in Gdynia. The weather was beautiful and sunny and I hoped for a great holiday.But everything went wrong from the beginning. First my train was...


Czas Present Simple

Czas Present Simple opisuje fakty, sytuacje, wydarzenia teraźniejsze. Jest najczęściej używanym czasem w języku angielskim. Jego konstrukcja zależy od formy, w której chcemy go użyć (twierdząca, pytająca, przecząca). W formie twierdzącej...


The History of Saint Valentine's Day - Historia Walentynek angielski

The History of Saint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honor Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the Goddess...


Opis przyjaciela

My best friend called Margaret, She is 27. She is an architect, but she works lake a designer. She has a husband and one daughter and she lives with them in a Krakow. We are friends from five years and I love this person. She is my the best...


Apply for the job of helpers on summer camps for children

Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to apply for the job of helpers on summer camps for children which was advertised in the News on Friday, 4 December. I am nineteen years old and I have just finished high school in Nysa. From 1 June to 31...


Worst holiday

That holiday seemed to be very exciting. But eventually it wasn’t as good as I had expected. I was spending them with my parents on the seaside of Croatia. We were swimming and sunbathing on the beach and visiting old cities. It was a great time...


Advantages and disadvantages of Christmas.

Christmas is very important holiday for every Catholic. Christmas is a special time when all people are in a good mood. Everyone is happy and cherful. Christams has both: advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage of Christmas is a fact...


List do przyjaciela

25 King Street London...


Zalety i wady zorganizowanych form wypoczynku -rozprawka

We are able to travel in lots of different ways. I would like to tell you something about organized tours. I will show you advantages and disadvantages of spending our holiday in groups. First of all, lots of people fancy being with others....


Men are better cooks that women.

“Men are better cooks than women”. In my opinion it’s true. Women are worse cooks that men! The fist argument is that chiefs of most restaurant are men. Lots of men have restaurants, not women. The second is that men have more ideas than...


Opracowanie 200 sytuacji z J.angielskiego - przygotowanie do matury

1. Dzwonisz do kolegi, którego nie ma w domu. Przekaż jego mamie wiadomość, że będziesz na niego czekał o siódmej przed kinem „Polonia”. Hello. Good morning. I know that Peter isn’t at home./is out. Could I leave a message for him? Could you tell...


"The Great Gatsby" F.S.Fitzgerald - colour symbolism

In the spring of 1925 F. Scott Fitzgerald published his best novel The Great Gatsby. Since then it is the most famous American book about the 1920’s. Fitzgerald used many literary devices to embrace his believes about the people of this time...


Wady i zalety komputerów i Internetu

Witam chcciałbym podzieli sie praca z Anglika na temat wad i zalet komputerów i internetu. Za t ą Prace dostałem 4 więc niejest taka najgorsza ale chcce doda że chodze do gimnazjum :> prosze o komentarze i ocenki...


List po przeczytaniu "The color purple" by Alice Walker

1 North Oak Dr. North Heaven N.Y 11867 Monday 11th June 2002 Dear Maggie, Thanks very much for your letter. It was lovely to hear from you. I’m glad you have found a new passion: books. I think you will find my letter quite interesting...


czasowniki nieregularne top 60 tabela na 1 strone A4

czasowniki nieregularne top 60 tabela na 1 strone A4 na dole jest załącznik


Czerwony Kapturek- Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, in the middle of a thick forest in a small cottage lived a pretty girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood with her mother. She was called so because she always wore a red coat. One day her grandmother suddenly fell...


A Letter of complaint

Dear Mr.Brown I am writing to express my strong dissatisfaction with the responsibility of the teachers at your school. I have sent my children to your school because of the school’s respectable reputaton. I am really disapointed to...


Wady i zalety znajomości w internecie

Everyone agrees that the internet is a place where we can meet new people because there are a lot of special webs where we can talk with people. But striking relationship in the internet has advantages and disadvantages. There are many...


Przerażająca historia po angielsku

Mary jechała z tatą do końskiej stadniny za miastem. Na drodze zauważyli autostopowiczkę. Tata Mary zatrzymał się i do samochodu weszła dziewczyna w wieku około 16 lat. Powiedziała, że chce się dostać do domu. Podała im swój adres, a ponieważ to...


The worst journey I have ever had.

During the holidays happened the worst journey I have ever had. I still remember everything very clearly. I was going on a holiday with my Dad, my Mum and my younger brother, Adam. We had planned a few days in our uncle's house in a small village...


The United Kingdom of Great Britain

Prehistory Britain was the part of the continent of Europe until the end of the last Ice Age (6,000 BC). The earliest structures at Stonehenge were built about 3050 BC by the Iberian people, though there is still controversy as to who...


Opowiadanie- historia człowieka, którego życie zmieniło się całkowicie w wyniku drobnej pomyłki

this story is based on a true situation which happened between two people.marcin and ewa met during a concert.their feling has borned ina simple conversation.they new that it is only the beginning of a fantastic relationship.they had many common...


The weather and the humans

Weather is a very important aspect of life on the Earth, as it has a great influence on every life form on the planet. It can certainly have a very positive effect and unfortunately can destroy and kill. When you are skiing, sailing or...


Przepis po angielsku./sałatka z grzankami

Salad of croutons. /sałatka z grzankami/ 1/2 cup oil / 1/2 filiżanki oleju/ 1 clove of garlic /1 ząbek czosnku/ 1 spoon of mustard /1 łyżka musztardy/ pepper and salt /pieprz i sól/ 1 egg /1 jajko/ 1/2 tomatoe /1/2 pomidora/ 3 croutons /3...


My ordinary day

I usually get up at half past six. First of all I get dressed. Later I make the bed, go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and wash my face. Next I comb my hair. Then I quickly descend to the canteen and I eat breakfast. After that I rush to a bus...


Present Simple Tense - Czas teraźniejszy prosty

1. Używamy, gdy mówimy o czynności stałej, codziennej, powtarzającej się. 2. Słówka charakterystyczne: a) every day - każdego dnia every year - każdego roku every week - każdego tygodnia b) always - zawsze often - często...


Recenzja filmu Shrek.

Shrek is the first and the best animated film directed by Andrew Adamson. The movie is adapted from William Steigh's book with the same title. It is also the first film that won an Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature, in 2001. Generally, Shrek...


W dzisiejszych czas,młodzież rozpoczyna karierę muzyczną lub aktorską coraz wcześniej. Podaj dobre i złe strony.

This is the truth that young people begin their career very early. I think that this has both good how and bed sides. I will try to tender several pleas. This life has a lot of advantages . Firstly children like this can to learn and make better...


Cars enslave us rather then liberate us ’ Do you agree? opinion essay

Everybody knows that cars are very important in our life. We can not imagine how people could live without this invention many years ago. A lot of families, in all countries, have their own cars nowadays, they help us in daily life. Our life...


Genetically modified food

Genetically modified ford is popular and often applied in our life. Usually these food looks good but if observing inside this is not fascinating. Improved food has some advantages as and disadvantages. The main advantage of genetically modified...



Legenda : V1 – Czasownik w pierwszej formie V2 – Czasownik w drugiej formie V3 – Czasownik w trzeciej formie „0” Conditional Zastosowanie: Używamy, mówiąc o faktach, które są zawsze prawdziwe. We play football indoors if it rains....


Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city and in the country

Living in the city and in the country has its advantages and disadvantages. Most people live in the cities. First, life in the city is more comfortable. There is always plenty to do, to see or visit, it can offer the best entertainment:...


Przedimek nieokreślony określony i rzeczownik

Przedimek nieokreślony A (AN) A stosujemy przed rzeczownikiem policzalnym w l. poj. zaczynającymi się od spółgłoski AN stosujemy przed rzeczownikiem policzalnym w l. poj. zaczynającymi się od samogłoski -który oznacza...


Opis uroczystości, która wywarła na mnie wrażenie

One month ago I won a ticket for my favourite band?s concert. Initially, I could not believe it but finally I realized that my wish came true. I have wondered about Tool?s concert for half a year and suddenly I am notified that it is me who is the...


Cosmetic surgeries. In many countries football is national obsession. Explain why.

1. Nowadays there Isan increasingnumber of people who improve their physical appearance by surgeries. In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of cosmetic surgeries, I will present pluses and minuses of it. To start with, there are lots...