
Opis tradycji Włoch

poleca 85% 873 głosów



Italy is a beautiful country in south of Europe. Its tropical climate, ancient civilization and volcano Etna and Wezuwiusz make it a perfect holiday destination. It is famous for its special shape, ancient civilization and noodles.

Italians are famous for their beauty. They have Mediterranean features, which means that they usually black hair, brown eyes and light brown skin. They are not very tall. The Italians are friendly and lively people.

People in Italy live in villages and big cities. A typical Italy village is bungalows and people in cities live in small flats. Italian grow grape-vine, olive, tobacco and sugar beet. They to breed sheep and pigs. They work in offices and shops. Italian have spicy food. They like noodle, lasagna and pizza.

Popular free-time activities include play Football, lying in the sun and going to cafs. They go evenings to clubs and go to shops.

Italy is a wonderful country to visit. It’s a warm climate and passionate people make it a great place for a holiday.

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