
A day or a year when everything went wrong.

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-01-09
poleca 84% 2673 głosów


I remember accurately the day when everything went wrong. It was on a Saturday a year ago. All night on this day, I slept well, but the day brought a lot of bad accidents, so I had a terrible day.

First of all, I overslept and was late for school. Then I had a surprise test in math, and after that, I got a negative grade in history. After school, when I was going home, it started to rain, and I got wet. I was wet and cold, and I thought about what I did wrong, that everything was against me, and all things were going badly.

At home, I couldn't eat dinner because I didn't feel well and went to bed. I needed to have peace and quiet, and I wanted to be alone. I thought for some time about this day, what happened, and what I did when I thought about it. I don't know when I fell asleep.

Two hours later, I got up and started to do my homework. After that, I wanted to make an appointment to see my boyfriend, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I began to think to myself if everything was starting to go wrong again. I wanted to tell him about all the adventures of that day.

In the end, I met my boyfriend and told him what happened. He was very surprised and couldn't believe that all of it could happen in one day."

I have corrected the grammatical, language, and spelling errors in the text to make it more accurate and readable.

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