
The Honorary citizens of city Jawor

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Stanisław Furtak

The son of John and Mary Furtak, He born on 29th october 1946 in Klonice. He live In Jawor. For many years he expands family business resiliently. Now his bakery assures over 200 workplaces in our small city. In Third International Bread Trade Fairs he earned Baker of the Year title.

Katarzyna Mroczkowska

Waldemar and Bozena Mroczkowski daughter, she born on 30th december 1980. She became a Polish champion in volleyball asnd she earned the title of „The best forward of championship”.

Sławomir Miłoń

He born on 7th May 1970. He is a trainer of athletic club MKS „Victoria” in Jawor. He repeatly earned the title of Polish Champion in springboard jumping. He multiply taken part in European and World’s Championship.

Andrzej Tomaszewski

He born on 26th January 1943. He contributed to list The Cuch of Peace on The World Cultural Heritage List of UNESCO.

Józef Ziętek

The son of Michał and Maria Kosiorowscy, He born on 23th April 1916. Author of many poems abort Jawor ( collected in four volumes ).

Reinhard Blaschke

He born on 15th September 1934. He supports financially Kuźnia Jawor athletic club, The Church of Peace and the bank of food and equipment. He helped Jawor’s socjety during flooding in 1997 ( He organized collection of mosty needed equipment ).

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