
Reply for an article on the fatal consequences of smoking for our health.

poleca 86% 104 głosów


Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to your article on the fatal consequences of smoking for our health. There has been much debate about smoking in public places recently, and I am very interested in that matter. I totally agree, that smoking is very difficult problem to solve, because there is a large number of people who are addicted. We should respect their freedom to smoke, but I agree that they should not smoke when there are other people in close area.

In your article you write, that we should ban all cigarette advertisements. But I do not agree, people cannot control that area of business, people should be educated and know all sides of smoking and be free to decide. I also do not agree with the argument about forcing cigarette companies to contribute to a healthcare bill. It is the smokers who kill their selves, and other innocent people.

I totally agree, that smoking should be banned from public places. It has been proved that breathing in smoke can negatively affect our health. And there is no reason for innocent people to risk their health and life when they come too close to smoking person. Of course I agree that smoking people should have right to smoke, but they cannot smoke whenever and wherever they like without thinking about anyone else.

To conclude, there are many reasons why smoking should be banned from public places, and why smokers should pay more for healthcare, not the cigarettes companies. People should also be informed about the risks of smoking and have right to choose whether they want to smoke, or not.


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