
Raport of smoking

poleca 89% 101 głosów



1. Aim

2. Introduction

3. Main Body

4. Conclusion

5. Bibliography


In my report I want to write:

• What is smoking?

• Why people smoking?

• Effect of smoking.

• How people can give up smoking?


What is smoking?
Smoking is a practice where a substance, most commonly tobacco, is burned and the smoke tasted or inhaled. This is primarily practiced as a route of administration for recreational drug use, as combustion releases the active substances in drugs such as nicotine and makes them available for absorption through the lungs. It can also be done as a part of rituals, to induce trances and spiritual enlightenment. The most common method of smoking today is through cigarettes, primarily industrially manufactured but also hand-rolled from loose tobacco and rolling paper. Other smoking tools include pipes, cigars, hookahs and bongs.
Smoking is one of the most common forms of recreational drug use. Tobacco smoking is today by far the most popular form of smoking and is practiced by over one billion people in the majority of all human societies. Less common drugs for smoking include cannabis and opium. Some of the substances are classified as hard narcotics, like heroin and crack cocaine, but the use of these is very limited as they are often not commercially available. Most people start before the age of 25.

Main Body

Why people smoking?
1. Peer pressure! This one of the major ones. Think of it this way. If you have a barrel of apples and one goes bad, the rest will follow in a quick pace. And while one is young self-esteem may not be up to par (most people start before the age of 25) and it is easy to fall for the dare. Nobody wants to take the risk of being called a "chicken" or "goody-too-shoes" and so they fall victim of the peer pressure.
2. Aping! A lot of famous people smoke to look cool. So it is easy for young people to see that and take after.
3. Availability! Cigarettes are available everywhere and almost anyone can get them, that is one of the major factors they are so popular. And they are not that expensive either.
4. Stress busters! Cigarettes are often wrongly looked at as stress relief. People say they become calm after smoking. But, that is only a result of being addicted.

Effect of smoking.

Although the negative health effects of cigarette smoking cannot be debated, it remains the single most common cause of preventable deaths. Each year, over 430,000 people die as a result of a smoking related disease. Yet, over 50 million continue to smoke, including over 3 million teens. An estimated three thousand teenagers begin to smoke each day, and one thousand of them will eventually die as a result.
Heart and lungs are most damaged by smoking
Lung diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, are largely due to smoking. Heart disease, which includes coronary artery disease, heart attack and stroke are far more common in smokers. One of the effects of nicotine is constricting the blood vessels, which in turn causes high blood pressure. Another effect is raising your heart rate, which adds extra stress on your heart.

Not only does smoking affect the heart, but every part of your circulatory system. Your blood becomes thicker and stickier, further taxing the heart. The lining of the blood vessels is damaged, allowing fat deposits to adhere, and is most likely a significant cause of arteriosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. As a result, diminished circulation to the feet and hands leads to painful neuropathy, and impaired ability to fight local infections. This can lead to gangrene and sometimes requires amputation.

How people can give up smoking?

There is no ‘quick fix’ to giving up smoking. If people want to give up smoking for good need to take a closer look at smoking and understand they why smoke. What are the effects of smoking on they life and future – good and bad? They may find that level of motivation changes from day-to-day depending on mood and the situations they find. Changing attitude to smoking, making the decision to give up, and changing lifestyle are important to they success. There are things they can do to help stay focused on your goal to quit smoking for good.
Plan to give up by starting quit plan today. It will help you to:
• take a closer look at smoking and identify what makes you smoke,
• help find realistic ways to deal with triggers,
• learn new ways to deal with the difficult (high risk) situations,
• make a plan of action to help stop smoking for good,
• figure out ways of living your life without tobacco.
People can also contact the National Smokers' Quitline on callsave 1850 201 203 to speak to an advisor or get in contact with an HSE give up smoking service near you.


In my report i show how bad effect has a smoking cigarette.
We are all accustomed to seeing people smoking and that tobacco is widely available in almost every shop. It seems incredible that, despite awareness of the disastrous health effects of smoking side, every year hundreds of thousands of people start smoking cigarettes. Companies producing cigarettes is thriving. At the same time increasing medical costs smokers, because they often get sick early in very serious condition. Knowledge of the terrible side-effects of cigarette smoking is not secret knowledge. However, despite universal access to such information, many people still smoke minimizing the gravity threat. Cigarette brands, and campaigns are very well prepared and speak to the imagination of many people.


• Ashes to Ashes: The History of Smoking and Health (1998) edited by S. Lock, L.A. Reynolds and E.M. Tansey 2nd ed. Rodopi.

• Internet:

• Nowakowski , Rola nauczyciela wychowania fizycznego w zwalczaniu zagrożenia tytoniowego. „Lider” 11 (1994).

• K. Janicki Home medical giude. Warszawa 1991 PZWL

• A. Kuć , Profilaktyka uzależnień, Lider (1996).

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