
Wonders of the beach

poleca 85% 109 głosów


It was a beautiful sunny day, as I walked down the beach bathing my feet in the sand, I could see the sunlight stretching over the sky. I could feel the warmth of the sunshine on my face; it felt like if I was drawing the energy from the sun. I kept walking along the shore, where I could see the sunlight reflecting in the water, as if it was a million shining diamonds sparkling. I could taste the air, as if I was a newborn baby, who takes its first taste of the outside air, it was fresh. I decided to sit down and contemplate, so I abandoned myself, leaving my stress forgotten and putting my troubled heart at rest. I sat down on a big, old log, and I could feel its rough and wet surface. I tried to relax, and listen to the world surrounding me; it was like if angels were playing music. I could hear the water flow, the trees humming and the birds singing. I pulled some grapes out of my backpack; they were very fresh and juicy. I started eating one by one, because they tasted so good. The grapes were very sweet just like a chocolate and they gave me a lot of energy for the rest of the day. This time was very special to me. I could reach inside of myself release the bad energy and bring in the good energy. After a nice walk at the beach and interacting with nature, I felt very refreshed and healthy. I knew nothing bad would happen to me because I found my peace.

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