
A good education is a key to successful life - opinion essay

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Is education essential or just additionary help on the way to success? Many young people would confidently say no, it is not necessary. I do not agree with them. As far as I am concerned education is significant.

Economists claim that just fifteen percent of the whole world population is enough to produce and provide all the essential goods for the rest of the people. Such situation where production and processing industry are becoming less and less important is causing intense competition in other parts of the economy – mainly services - where only highly qualified and trained specialists are valued and can achieve success.

Whatmore, globalization is the reason of the transformations of the market having place nowadays. Work where new ideas and solutions are provided is becoming the best paid. It makes education, that is having knowledge and required abilities an essential element of our success.

Obviously successful life concerns not only having a good job but also leading a happy life. Another argument for the necessity of eductaion is that a good general 'schooling' can appear useful in handling daily problems. For an instance, basic psychological knowledge is indeed helpful in parenting children or contacts with other people.

Are there any arguments against necessity of education? I have never met with any but any exception proves the rule. Yes, there are many drawbacks of the educational system that should be improved. However this cannot change the fact that education is essential for achieving success nowadays.

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