
Agresja i przemoc - Aggression and violence

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Aggression and violence is growing between people because they often appear in the mass media, computer games and so on. In many films, games there are blood and killing. The destination of eponymous hero is to kill everybody-people or monsters and survive. After all he is the winner, although he destroyed everything around. That is the script for films and games. In my opinion, if young people see it, they think it is normal and sometimes they behave in the same way. A few years ago I heard in the news that two young boys were playing with each other in Duke Nuken (the name of the game) and one of them killed his friend because he thought he would relive. On the other hand they want to impress their peers, be accepted by the others or show that they can do what they want to and they want to become fly guys in friend’s eyes. In criminal groups the violence is the only way to survive and do career. The strongest one is always chosen to the group. A lot of young people, who don’t have the perspectives for future, they are from poor families and they don’t put up with school, choose this criminal kind of live. Unfortunately in each year their amount grows.

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