
Being 15

poleca 92% 103 głosów


I star school at 8 am and finish at 2.30 pm, from Monday to Friday. On Monday, Tuesday and Friday I have addictional biology and English. I have homework. I don't like that. I do my homework after school, because I don't have a break. I do my homework at 3 pm to 5 pm o'clock. My parents don't give me pocket money. If I really, really need money, they give me that. I have a lot of free time. In this time I meet my boyfriend and friends. I play on computer or walk with my dog and listen to music. I live in five-bedroom house with my parents and sister. We have a dog and a rabbit. A dog name's Diana and rabbit's name is Pikuś. I sometimes arque with my parents. We argue about my late comeing back home. About being 15 I like that I don't must work. I love that I have time for meeting friends. I love that I have a host options about my adult and present life. I hate that I must go to school and do homework. I worry about that what I will do in my future. I don't know that i get around with problem of adult life.

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