
Strona bierna w czasach przeszłych (Passive voice in past tenses)

poleca 45% 27 głosów

czas czasownik to be imiesłów bierny
Past Simple was / were imiesłów bierny
(3 forma czasownika)
Past Continuous was / were + being
Past Perfect had + been


strona czynna strona bierna
They painted the room last year. The room was painted last year.
They were painting the room. The room was being painted.
They had painted the room. The room had been painted.
Czas Past Perfect Continuous nie występuje w stronie biernej!

Pamiętaj, że zmieniając podmiot, musisz dopasować do niego formę czasownika to be:
They were painting the room now. (3 os. l. mn)
The room was being painted now. (3 os. l. poj.)

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