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Dlaczego Niemcy są odpowiedzialne na I wojnę światową

Język angielski

Germany has to bare the most responsibility for causing WW1.

Introduction To start, with we have to remember that there where many causes of first world war began like political, economical, social and military. One of very important reasons was assassinating archduke Franc Ferdinand in Sarajevo in 28...

Język angielski

The graph shows figures for motorcycle production in five countries during the period 1940-1990. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.

information shown below. The single graph given to analyse shows the number of motorcycles produced in the time span of 1940-1990 in Britain, USA, Japan, Germany and France. In France the

Język angielski

Letter of application for the post of an English teacher

teacher for several years, I now feel ready to take on the challenge and responsibility of being form tutor. Furthermore, I would like work with children. And finally I would also like to live and work in Cracow. I look forward to

Język angielski

Being the prime minister- nenefits and drawbacks

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be the Prime Minister? The Prime Minister is the most senior minister of cabinet in the government in a parliamentary system. Playing such an

Język angielski

William Wordsworth and the Laka District.

the land is high and thinly peopled. This high parts are used as rough pasture for sheep. Most of the farmland is on the low ground and as conditions are too wet for cropping it is chiefly under

Język angielski

Environment in danger - what can be done to help the nature.

be done and what people themselves can do to improve the nature. I would like to start with the global warming effect. We can hear about it at least once a week for a very long time and