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W jaki sposób Kazimiera Illakowiczówna (1888-1983) w wierszu "Opowieść małzonki świetego Aleksego" wykorzystała motywy średniowieczne? Zwróć uwagę na uczucia, októrych mówi podmiot liryczny, średniowieczne rekwizyty oraz język i s

Średniowiecze to bardzo długi okres w historii literatury, trwał on od V, aż do XV wieku. W epoce tej najważniejszy dla człowieka był Bóg oraz zapewnienie sobie wiecznej szczęśliwości w niebie. Kazimiera Iłłakowiczówna, podobnie jak wielu pisarzy innych...


Rozczarowania romantycznych kochanków w oparciu o "Kordiana" Słowackiego i "Lalkę" Prusa.

Rozczarownia romantycznych kochanków. Dokonaj analizy i interpretacji podanych fragmentów "Kordiana" J. Słowackiego oraz "Lalki" B. Prusa i porównaj postawy bohaterów. Zwróc uwagę na postaci kobiet. Uwzględnij znajomość obu u...


Analizując fragment "Ody do młodości" A. Mickiewicza i wiersz "Któż nam powróci" K. Przerwy-Tetmajera, porównaj przedstawione w nich obrazy młodego pokolenia.

Zarówno w "Odzie do młodości" A. Mickiewicza jak i w utworze K. Przerwy-Tetmajera "Któż nam powróci" wypowiada się podmiot liryczny w imieniu zbiorowości, którą są młodzi ludzie. W obydwu fragmentach przedstawiony jest obraz młodego i starego...


Porównaj sposoby widzenia sztuki malarskiej przedstawione w przywołanych fragmentach "Pana Tadeusza" Adama Mickiewicza.

Sztuka może być odbierana zupełnie inaczej, przez różne osoby. często nie możemy jednoznacznie określić, co autor miał na myśli, tworząc dane dzieło. W podanym fragmencie "Pana Tadeusza" Adama Mickiewicza przedstawiona jest scena, w której...


Człowiek pod władza despotyzmu. Rozważ problem odwołując sie do sceny "Sen Senatora" oraz innych wybranych fragmentów III cz. "Dziadów" A. Mickiewicza.

W III części "Dziadów" Adam Mickiewicz zwraca uwagę przede wszystkim na cierpieniach młodych Polaków oraz na sposób w jaki są oni traktowani przez zaborców. Utwór ten został napisany w czasie, gdy Polska znajdowała się pod zaborami rosyjskimi. Jego akcja...


Obraz męczeństwa narodu polskiego w III części Dziadów Adama Mickiewicza.

Akcia przytoczonego fragmentu III części "dziadów" Adama Mickiewicza toczy się w celi więziennej w Wilnie. jest to dzień wigilii Bożego Narodzenia 1823r. W tym czasie Polska znajdowała się pod zaborami rosyjskimi. Bohaterami tej sceny są: Żegota -...


Model patriotyzmu wyłaniający się z „Hymnu do Ojczyzny” Ignacego Krasickiego i fragmentu „Pana Tadeusza” Adama Mickiewicza.

W „Hymnie do miłości” Ignacego Krasickiego jak również we fragmencie „ Pana Tadeusza’’ Adama Mickiewicza, przedstawiającym koncert Jankiela ukazany jest model patriotyzmu. Obydwa utwory mają na celu pobudzenie miłości i przywiązania do ojczyzny w sercach Polaków. Są...


1. Living in home and renting a Flat. Advantages and disadvantages. 2. Burglarproof. 3. My favorite teacher.

1. Living in home as well as renting a flat has advantages and disadvantages too. I think that it depend of life style and how long we want to life in that place. If it’ll be a long time or place to family witch children it’ll be to have our own homes. Homes are more...


1. Story 2. Letter

1.Monika was a good student of medicine. She was always prepared to classes. She was very ambitious, smart and diligent. The most important dream for her was to become a good doctor. She loved to help the other people since she was a little girl. Everybody like her...


1. Teenagers spending too much time on it. 2. Buying things with a secure system of payment. 3. Children seeing unsuitable material. 4. People using work time to send personal messages. 5. Letter

1. Lot of teenagers don’t have time to doing nothing else like only chatting. Computer is everything for them, computer is theirs life. It’s bad for theirs health and physic. They have problems with ex. Eyes and condition, they don’t have time to study, for families...


1. Computers 2. Pros and cons of renting a flat 3.The best day of my life

1. Computers are very important in our life. There’re everywhere, in homes, schools, offices and shops. Computers make our work easier. Thanks to computers doctor can better people in hospitals also. Computers are very useful for people who work in offices, students...


1. Honesty in the classroom 2. Review

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of cheating. First of all I’ll tell why in my opinion students cheat and next I’ll express my view about that honesty in the classroom is very rarely nowadays. I don’t know no one who never cheat. I also cheat...


1. Mobile phone. 2. capital punishment

1. Almost everybody have mobile phone now. Somebody have a few also. Like ex. my uncle. He has 3. There are lot of advantages of using mobile phones. First of all there are so small that we can take them everywhere, we can even hold them to pocket. They have lot of...


1. Holiday spent at home do not need to be wasted time. 2. Internet

1. In my opinion holidays are the best days in the year. Teenagers can take a rest and relax. Lof of them want to go somewhere like Mazury, USA or Spain but not everybody can because they ex. don’t have money. Often teenagers can’t spend their holidays on camps or...


1. Being your own boss. 2. People who try to protect our planet by pollutions etc.

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of being your own boss. There are advantages and disadvantages of this situation. Firstly I’ll present good sides and then I’ll say about bad sides of it. There are a few pluses of it, to begin with independent....


1. Safety in our country. 2. Indisputable benefits of technological advancement.

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of safety in our country. Firstly I’ll say why people commit the crime and than I’ll say how we can make our country safier. There are a few reasons why people commit a crime. There are for example: - Each type...


1. The most appropriate moment to get married and having a children… 2. Corporal punishment 3. Childproof.

1. The most appropriate moment to get married and having a children is after college, when we have a good experience and work. We should to have money to bring up children, pay bills etc. It’s irresponsible when young people get married and having a child. They...


1. Invention that has change my life or has made it easier. 2. Commercials in the media.

1. Mobile phone is invention that has made my life easier. I can’t live without my mobile phone now. I take them everywhere. I love my phone. I have photos of my friends on them also. I must have my mobile with me. I like to take messages from ex. my boyfriend and...


1. Traveling in internet. 2. A dangerous creature

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of travelling in internet. I’ll explain how we can visit even the most remote places without leaving home. I’ll express my opinion about this way of travelling. Internet is cheap and quickly way of communication...


1. Technology. 2. Letter. 3. 75- years old caught shoplifting in supermarket. 4. Letter.

1. I think that it means that nothing is impossible for technology. Technology nowadays can do almost everything we want. Computers are everywhere at schools, works and streets. Few years ago people can fly or contact without meet theyself and now it’s normal. It...


1. Environmental. 2. Letter. 3. Letter

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of our environmental. First of all I will say how people damage our habitat because of careless or unaware than I will express my opinion of question if situation is changing for letter, for worse or it’s...


1. What’s better: living in a homeland of foreign country 2. The most important thing in our life.

1. In my presentation I’m going to focus on the topic of what’s better: living in a homeland of foreign country. First I’ll talk about living in our country, secondly I’ll tell about living abroad countries. And last but not least I’ll express my opinion of that....


1. What is better big or small family? 2. Family 2+1.

1. Nowadays small families are the most popular but there are still some people who decide to have big family. Both kinds of families have good and bad sides. In large family there are always someone to play, talk or help. It’s also easier to solve a problem if many...


1. Letter 2. Relax 3. Active or passive relaxation.

1. Dear Mike, How are you? Hope everything’s ok. I’m writing to let you know that I think I’ve found the perfect summer cottage for you. It’s located on 32 Beach Lane in Peighton. It’s a really nice area and the cottage is close to beach. Also the rent is only $800...



1. Dear Michael, Sorry I haven’t been in touch for a while but I’ve been very busy. Anyway I’ve got some free time to drop you a line to suggest you ways to change your lifestyle in order to help reduce stress. Firstly, it would be a good idea to have set sleep...


1. Computers. 2. Fast food. 3. The dangerous children face at home. 4. Letter

1. Computers are becoming more and more important in our life. They are almost everywhere but can it replace alive person for example teacher in the classroom? First of all, in teacher’s absence in class, students would may doing what they want to and they would not...


1-2.Letter 3. Pluses and minuses of technology. 4. My winter holiday.

1. Hi Ann, I’m writing to you to answer for your question which person I admire. I admire most my dad. He is tall and well-built person. His hair is short and grey. He has got brown eyes. My dad always is clean shaven. He is nice and friendly. He like joking. He is...


1. Daedalos and Icarus. 2. Letter. 3. My favorite actor.

1. Once upon a time on the island of Crete, there was a king whose named was Minos. He has living in his palace in Knossos, a great architect and inventor named Daedalos. Daedalos is especially supposed to have built he Labytinth far King Minos to keep the Minotaur...


1. Studying in foreign country. 2. What is better watching films in a home or in a cinema? With big screen and high quality. 3. My dream job.

1. More and more students today choose to studying in foreign country. Most people think that abroad are clever teachers. So what are really advantages and disadvantages of studying in foreign country. There are certain advantages to study abroad. To start with...


1. „Day out to remember”. 2. My favorite film. 3. Letter

1. It was snowing outside and I was sitting in my uncle’s cottage in Cortina d’Ampezzo. My uncle had gone to shop, so I was alone in house. I was looking at forest through the window and suddenly I saw something moving between trees. I decided to go out and check...