
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Czas Present Simple

Czasu tego używamy, gdy mówimy o czynnościach wykonywanych rutynowo (często), a także o prawach przyrody. Przysłówki częstotliwości używane w tym czasie (które warto zapamiętać): always - zawsze often - często usually - zwykle sometimes -...


Present Continuous

Jest to drugi czas dotyczący teraźniejszości. Stosujemy go do wyrażenia czynności odbywającej się w chwili mówienia (obecnie) lub gdy chcemy opisać czynność , która zostanie wykonana w najbliższej przyszłości. Ważne jest, aby dokładnie określić...


Stopniowanie przymiotnika

1. Stopniowanie regularne Dotyczy przymiotników jedno i dwu sylabowych, dodajemy końcówkę "er" w stopniu wyższym oraz "the est" w stopniu najwyższym. a) dodajemy bez problemów cheap - czeaper - the cheapest young - younger - the youngest...


Would you prefer to live in a city or in a village? Why?

I prefer to live in a city because i think that life in a city is always more exciting and more comfortable than life in a country or in a small town. First of all, in cities there is usually something to do or somewhere to go. In the city there...


Advantages and disadvantages of being a teenager.

Some people say, at the end of their life that it would be great to be young again. Sometimes, they think they could avoid their mistakes. Unfortunately at the beginning of our life, we are teenager and we can make many stupid things which we can...


The advantages and disadvantages of travelling

There are many ways of spending free time. One of them is travelling. Certainly, it has its pros and cons. First advantage of travelling is visiting interesting places and meeting new people. It is connected with getting to know other...


Przepis na lody (zmyślony ale po angielsku)

Ingredients: 0,5 l whipped cream 2 eggs 100 g sugar banan pear Procedure: 1. mix the whippet cream with sugar and eggs 2. next put it to freezer for 2 hours 3. peel the banana and pear 4. cut them into pieces 5. take out from...


Advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

Many of us dream about being famous. We want to be admired and loved by people around us. Thanks to media, it is very easy to see wealthy and fashionable celebrities, that are in seven heaven and very joyful. Their life seems to be an idyll all...


Przymiotniki i przysłówki

Stopniowanie przymiotników Stopniowanie regularne Jest to stopniowanie za pomocą końcówek -er i -est. W ten sposób stopniuje się przymiotniki jednosylabowe oraz dwusylabowe zakończone na -y (wówczas -y zamienia się w stopniu wyższym i...


Present Simple (utrwalenie wiadomości, jasne przykłady)

Present Simple * jest czasem teraźniejszym * używamy go kiedy: - chcemy wyrazić czynność powtarzającą się codziennie - chcemy wyrazić zaplanowane rzeczy * jeśli zobaczysz w zdaniu słówka: usually, often, always, every day, in the morning, at...


Angielski rozprawka

Jest to rozprawka z j. Angileskiego. Ocena w sql za rozprawkę 5.


Zawody (pracy) po angielsku i po polsku

bizmesmen/bizmeswomen car mechanic - mechanic samochodowy carpenter - stolarz cashier - kasjer computer programmer - programista komputerowy conductor - dyrygent konsultant - konsultant Cook,chef - kucharz Dentist - dentysta Film...


My first day at school.

It was the first of September, 1985. I don't remember that day exactly. I can say that it was a very special and important day in my life. I was seven years old and I wanted to go to school. I woke up early that morning and put new white...


Zabytki Londynu

Big Ben Big Ben is part of the Houses of Parliament building, where there has been a parliament since 1275. However, Big Ben is not the name of the Clock Tower, but rather the name of the bell inside! The Houses of Parliament is home to the House...


Opis miasta

Toruń is a quite big and historic town in the centre of Poland. If you’re visiting this city in the spring or summer, the weather will be warm and sunny, so you won’t need to bring warm clothes. If you come in winter you should bring some warm...


Czas Past Simple-ćwiczenia

Exercise 1 Użyj podanych w nawiasach czasowników w czasie past simple. Yesterday we (1)............... (go) to the disco. There (2)............... (be) a lot of people there and we (3)............... (have) a lovely time. We (4)..................


Stopniowanie przymiotników - przykłady

1) dry - drier - the driest 2) beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful 3) long - longer - the longest 4) angry - angrier - the angriest 5) happy - happier - the happiest 6) hot - hotter - the hottest 7) wet - wetter - the wettest...


Pocztówka znad morza

Dear Tom I am by the Baltic Sea. We are planning to stay in a pension for two weeks.The weather is just marvelous. I met Cezary Pazura here and I got his autograph. How have you been spending your holidays?


Informal letter to penfriend

Dear Ann, Thank you fot your letter which i recived last week, I'd love to be your new penfriend. First of all I'm really sorry I'haven't written back sooner, but I've been up to my eyes in school. Also my brother was ill so I have spent a...


Czasy-język angielski

Present Perfect Zakres użycia czasu: - dla wyrażania czynności przeszłej zakończonej, której skutki trwają do chwili obecnej, -dla wyrażania czynności rozpoczętej w przeszłości i trwającej do chwili obecnej, Konstrukcja zdań: *Zdanie...


Opisz swój ulubiony przedmiot.

My favourite day is sunday. I sometimes goes a kirk at hour 9, but usually goes at hour 12. When I get back always eats dinner. Afternoon I usually watches TV. After I often makes lection. I sommetimes goes to a friend. Next I eats supper an d...


Numerals: dates, numbers etc. (grammar)

1. Difficulties in spelling four BUT forty, fortieth five BUT fifteen, fifty, fifth eight BUT eighth nine BUT ninth twelve BUT twelfth thirty BUT thirtieth There is a hyphen between tens and digits, e.g. twenty-two, one hundred and...


Opisz osobę, którą podziwiasz

Angelina Jolie Angelina Jolie is one of the most famous people in the world. Her name has been famous since 1999 when she appeared in “The Interrupted Girl” and in “The Bone Collector”. Since then she has appeared in many widely acclaimed...


Fashion - speech

Generally speaking, fashion is the need to imitate others and to identify with them. This psychological need is the most noticeable in clothes but it is also very common in different kinds of public life. Fashionable may be a way of dressing, a...


List (pocztówka) z wakacji do kolegi

Cześć Robert Pozdrowienia z Brighton! Zatrzymałem się w małym, pięciogwiazdkowym hotelu obok plaży, bardzo blisko morza. Mam własny, przytulny pokój z komputerem i internetem. Mam fantastyczny widok z okna na miasto! Pogoda jest tu bardzo...


Świąteczne słownictwo

holiday-święto preparations-przygotowania complete-ukończone Christmas greeting cards-świąteczne kartki z życzeniami Christmas tree-choinka to purchase-kupić annual parties-doroczne przyjęcia to hold-odbywać się to attend-wziąć udział...


List do Johna

Dear John, I’m writing to you because your parents asked me to give you some advice about your coming to Poland. I think that your plan is very good and will be helpful, but it can be a little bit difficult to carry out. First of all the...


Narrative Essay - Scary Experience

A Dangerous Experience Everyone knows how we can take suffer the consequences if we trust a person that we don’t know well. Our life might be changed in the same way as our habits. I used to ride a motorcycle and always used to drive carefully. I...


Advantages/disadvantages - TV

In Poland television has been broadcasted since 1956 year. From that time a lot of things has changed. Nowadays, television-set is in almost every house, often even more than one. People spend a lot of time, watching tv programs. It has become a...


Advertising the exam courses in television, radio, and press - report

Introduction: The aim of this report is to present the potential benefits of advertising the exam courses in television, radio, and press. I asked students from each class for their opinion. Television: Most of students (76%) watch television...


Wady i zalety reklam

commercial (reklama w telewizji) advertisement (reklama w praise): I’m sure that no one doesn’t like to watch commercials on TV. I feel a little angry when I have to take a break , watching my favourite TV program or an interesting film, but...


Życiorys gwiazdy-Britney Spears.

A dance-pop singer Britney Spears was born in Kentwood,LA on December 2nd,1981.At the age of eight she auditioned for a role on the Disney Channel’s Mickey Mouse Club show,and although the series’ producers deemed her too young for the job,they...


Najlepsza powtórka! Matura pisemna

NOTATKA/WIADOMOŚĆ 1. A quick note to tel. you that I’m going out…. 2. … you have a massage from Peter. He called today at 7 p.m. and he wanted to tell you that has to meet you tomorrow at 9 a.m. 3. He wanted you to call him back as soon as...


Irregular verbs - odmiana czasowników

Po polsku Infinitive Past simple Past participle być be was been zostać become became become zaczynać begin began begun gryżć bite bit bitten zgasić blow (out) blew (out) blown (out) łamać break broke broken...


Angielski zawodowy - słówka

Ankieta- a surrey Art. Biurowe- stationary Badanie-respearch Brakujący- missing Cel- purpose Cena- a price Dostawa- delivery Dyrektor naczelny- CEO(Chief Exelutive Operator) Decyzja- decision Fabryka-factory Faktura- an invoice...


List do swojego kolegi z Anglii.

Dear .... , Thanks you for you last letter.I'm sorry haven't written a for a long time.I'm live in Lublin now. I move becouse my mother found work.I move one year ago.My new house a big. I live in the block of flats.I live in the fourth floors.My...


The pros and cons of using Internet

Some people think that the Internet is the most necessary thing which helps gaining education but there are also those who blame it for making people addicted. In this article, I am going to write about the pros and cons of the Internet. One...


Wady i zalety bycia jedynakiem

Nowadays there are more and more families which consist only of parents and one child. But is this a really good option for the child? There are both advantages and disadvantages of being an only child. The biggest advantage is that you do not...


Speech about enviroment ( air pollution )!

I’ve prepared short speech about our environment. You probably know something about air pollution but I’m going to tell you something more. We often hear phrase: ‘I’ll go out for a breath of fresh air’. But how many of us realize that this has...


List do kolegi, O wydarzeniu sportowym w mojej szkole.

March 04, 2009 Dear Michael, What are you? I am sorry that I haven’t wrote to you for so long, but I was very busy. Yesterday...


Charakterystyka Czasowników bezokoliczniki

Bezokoliczniki w formie podstawowej wyrażają czynność powtarzającą się lub stan mający miejsce w tym samym czasie, co czynność wyrażona czasownikiem w formie osobowej. Przykład: He must be ill. He can't be ill. He may be ill. Bezokoliczniki w...


Jak obchodzi się święta w Wielkiej Brytanii ?

Custom of hanging of twig of mistletoe , under which it it was been possible to kiss not only sweetheart he became person already wide propagated beyond borders of culture of English countries. More and more often on mistletoe it appears also in...


Travel & Tourism - speech

Today everybody likes going abroad. We can choose travel or tourism. Travel is a good way of learning about the world, it teaches us many interesting things about cultures of different nationalities. We also travel to find a well-paid job or meet...


Wszystkie czasy + przykłady

Czas Operator Forma czasownika Końcówki Przysłówki czasu Przykłady zdań Present Continuous be (am,is, are) I forma czasownika -ing now; at the moment; at present; just She is getting up late this week....


Being an only child – a blessing or a curse ?

Since I am an only child much easier to define me if it is a blessing or a curse. My siblings to a certain extent replaced by numerous cousins, with whom I am very closely related. Every year we spend together the two-three weeks of vacation and I...


My crime story

My crime story began here, in my house. The night was dark and full of stars and I was alone in home because my parents wanted to visit Warsaw. I was sitting by the fire, when I noticed that someone was looking at me through the window. I...


Angielski zwroty

What is included in the price- Co jest wliczone w cenę What time will you arrive – o której masz zamiar przybyć How will I recognize you – Jak Cię rozpoznam When do you organize holidays language courses? – Kiedy organizujesz kursy języka w...


Meble, pokoje - słówka

Furnitore - meble Sink – zlew Cooker – kuchenka Wardrobe – szafa Bath – wanna Root – dach Chimney – komin Camp – lampa Rug – chodnik Pillow – poduszka Sofa – sofa Chair – krzesło Fireplace – kominek Table – stół Armchair – fotel...


Dialog w biurze podróży

Ta: Good morning. Can I help you? C: Yes, please. We have decided to go on a package holiday and we'd like some information. Ta: Yes, what would you like to know? C: We are interested in spending our holidays in the Rocky Mountains. We...