
Informal letter to penfriend

poleca 84% 2837 głosów


Dear Ann,

Thank you fot your letter which i recived last week, I'd love to be your new penfriend.
First of all I'm really sorry I'haven't written back sooner, but I've been up to my eyes in school. Also my brother was ill so I have spent a lot of time looking after him.
I'd love to hear more about you, your family, what kind of music you enjoy, what you do in your free time and enything else you think I should know about you.
As for me, I'm from small family. There are just me and my younger brother so we live at home with our parents.
I'm afraid I haven't got an up-to-date photograph of us all together, but here's a photo of me and my mother.
Anyway, I'm really pleased to be in touch with you and can't wait to hear from you again.


P.S. I hope you like a photo!

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