
Letter to a penfriend.

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Hi Natalie!

Thanks for your letter, it was so nice to receive the last news from you. I\'m sorry I haven\'t written back for so long. You know, new school, lot’s of exams…

New school is cool but I have to prepare myself systematically for the lessons and do whole my homework – what is quite unusual for me since in the junior high school we were given much less homework and it was way easier.
Do you remember telling me that you wish to come to Poland for several weeks and learn in polish school to see how it looks like in here? Guess what! I’ve asked the principal of our school and she agreed to join you to my class for a month! You can stay in my place – of course. I think it’s an opportunity you can’t miss, but first you have to tell me when you can come so I can talk everything over with my principal. It would be terrific!
You know what? I’ve bought a chihuhua on the last dog show. Her name is Margerita. She’s so sweet! I’m sure she will like you!
But that’s enough about me. Tell me please how does your new school look like and how do you feel there? Don’t forget to write me when you’ll be able to come! It’s very important!

Say hello to your parents and Katrine, of course. Write back soon.

With love,


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