
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Cosmetic surgeries. In many countries football is national obsession. Explain why.

1. Nowadays there Isan increasingnumber of people who improve their physical appearance by surgeries. In my presentation I am going to focus on the topic of cosmetic surgeries, I will present pluses and minuses of it. To start with, there are lots...


Describe your ideal house.

Everyone wants to live suitably, without worries, thinking only about self development. That kind of goodies could give us a dream house. With pleasure i will describe mine. The location of my house would be very important, it should be a...



Kraków, Poland 38th October Dear Kate, Thanks for your postcard. We’ve been here for five days now and the weather’s been cold. I’ve always wanted to have a long holiday on the Alps – and here I am! We’ve done lots of things since we...


Recenzja filmu Shrek.

Shrek is the first and the best animated film directed by Andrew Adamson. The movie is adapted from William Steigh's book with the same title. It is also the first film that won an Oscar Award for Best Animated Feature, in 2001. Generally, Shrek...


My plans for the future

I often think about my future. I am curious how would it look like. At present I go to secondary school and I am in the fourth form. So it is obvious that I would like to pass the examination for the secondary – school certificate. I also work....


Formal letter. List formalny.

Bankowa 21a/ Jelenia Góra 58-500 30 March 2006 The Director English Oxford School Ul. Szewska 3 50- 368 Wrocław Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to enquire about my reservation to Intermediate English Course. I am really...


Czas Past Simple

Czasowników w czasie przeszłym prostym używamy gdy chcemy powiedzieć, że czynność odbyła się w przeszłości, i nie ma związku z teraźniejszością. Używamy go również gdy chcemy podkreślić, iż dana czynność powtarzała się w przeszłości....


Opowiadanie- historia człowieka, którego życie zmieniło się całkowicie w wyniku drobnej pomyłki

this story is based on a true situation which happened between two people.marcin and ewa met during a concert.their feling has borned ina simple conversation.they new that it is only the beginning of a fantastic relationship.they had many common...


Witness Statement (188 words)

As I was walking along Western Road at about 11.00 on Saturday morning I saw a red car pull up in front of me and two men jumped out and ran into Woolworths. I didn't really pay attention until I heard screams coming from inside the shop. When...


Ściąga z angielskiego na maturę

ZWROTY Nieoczekiwane spotkanie-An unexpected meeting Słynni Polacy związani z moim rodzinnym miastem-Famous Poles associated with my home town List o nauce angielskiego w Wielkiej Brytanii- A letter about learning English in Britain Mój...


List motywacyjny

I am writing in connection with the job advertisment in newspapper, which i faund in New Your times at the 20th of april. I would like to apply for the postition of baby sitting . My experience and education give me excellent qualifications for...


Opis osób po angielsku

I have to the name magda. I am a young girl. I have 22 years. I live in polsce, in the city starogard gd. I am a pupil, in weekends chodze to the school. the class is mine super. since Monday by Friday is working in a shop at the mum. I like him...


Podstawowe czasy angielskie

Present simple Forma: czasownik w formie podstawowej, w 3 osobie liczby pojedynczej + s. Pytania i przeczenia: operator do/does (w 3 os. l.p.). I agree with her. Do you agree? I do not (don’t) agree. She agrees with me Does she agree? She does...


The most frightening experience i ever had

I have seen your first Ghostly Tales of the Unexpected,and found it really interesting and sad,(The Woolpack Coggeshall). I have had one ghostly experience (by sound only)I was about 15 at the time I in bed around 10.00pm and I heard clear...


W dzisiejszych czas,młodzież rozpoczyna karierę muzyczną lub aktorską coraz wcześniej. Podaj dobre i złe strony.

This is the truth that young people begin their career very early. I think that this has both good how and bed sides. I will try to tender several pleas. This life has a lot of advantages . Firstly children like this can to learn and make better...


Opowiadanie SF

Tom remained silent. He stood still and did not look back. He couldn’t hear any sound, either. Last thing that he could remember was amazing flash of very bright light and after that nothing. He wondered where he was, so he looked up on the...


Advantages and disadvantages of cycling as a means of transport

Cycling as a means of transport. This is a very debatable subject. What reasons can make us change car for a bicycle? Are there any? Today reasons for riding a bike have changed. There are many advantages of riding a bike. To begin with,...


Opis obrazka

Cała praca jest w załączniku.


Prośba o prace- list

Dear Mr. ****** I’m write this a latter because I wont I fill Sports Trainers in Mr. club. My qualifications: First place in volley-ball of woman on balk national profession volley-ball and Award of honorable mention in netted volley-ball...


Irregular verbs - czasowniki nieregularne

biegać run ran run budować build built built czerpać draw drew drawn czytać read read read dawać give gave given dojazd drive drove driven dostać get got got dotrzymać,...


My favourite actor - Tom Hanks

There are a lot of famous, talented actors and actress in the world, but my favourite who I like and admire is Tom Hanks. He’s well known all over the world. He was born in 9th July 1956 in Concord, California. Nowadays he’s one of the greatest...


Słówka związane z lotniskiem

an aisle seat -koło przejścia air steward -stewardess a baggage reclaim -punkt odbioru bagaży boarding pass -karta uprawniająca na wejście na teren lotniska check-in -zdanie bagażu customs -odprawa celna a customs-officer...


Present simple - ćwiczenia

Ćwiczenie 1 - Zdania twierdzące 1. She ___ two languages. a) speaks b) speak . Odpowiedź: She speaks two languages Trzecia osoba wymaga w czasowniku "s " 2. John is a pilot. He ___ a plane. a) fly b) flies Odpowiedź: John is a pilot. He...


Crime Story

"The Blue Carbuncle" The night was dark and full of stars. It was cold and the fields surrounding the village were white with snow. Sad silence was everywhere, you could feel the sadness in your bones, as if dead had decided to rise… In the...


A person i will never forget

Thomas was a new student in my class. The first time i saw him when i came into my classroom. He sat alone everyone looked at him strangely. He smiled at every person who walked next to him. I can still remember his face. He had high forehead,...


Słowa z użyciem w zdaniach ( zaawansowane)

on account of --- ze względu na now and again --- od czasu do czasu be in the dark about sth --- nic nie wiedzieć o czymś to the best of my knowledge --- o ile mi wiadomo affluent --- dostatni discern --- dostrzegać, rozróżniać...


Co możesz zrobić dla planety? - "What can you do for the Planet?"

There is a lot of rubbish in the world because community make and use plenty of goods. The goods are often wrapped in plastic bags, which are disposed. They are hamfull for enviroment. Their decomposition is very long and they are unfriendly...


Travel Broadens the mind and widens our horizons

At the beginning, I would like to say that travelling is becoming more popular nowadays. People travel during holidays more frequently then before. There are also many jobs which include travelling. People like businessmen, politicians,...


Advantages and disadvantages of being the only child

What are the pros and cons of being the only child? There are some options in this subject. Some children feel well withouth siblings but others dream about a brother or a sister. One of the main advantages of being the only child is that your...


Useful phrases for speaking paper FCE, CAE, CPE

PART 1 I'm speaking English for my own satisfaction / my job / in order to improve my employment prospects. If you want to go ahead these days, you need to have a good command of English I always loved (the sea). I'd love to visit places...


Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytani.Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która Cie interesuje. Napisz list do agencji.

Hello! I would like to buy large apartment with bathroom, bedrooms, big living room, roomy kitchen and garage. I'm interested in this advertisment. I would like to ask about distance to the shops and public transport. Do is this flat...


Opis bohatera z bajki - Goku

Son Goku is a fictional character and superhero of the “Dragon Ball” series. He's created by Akira Toriyama, and appears first in “Dragon Ball” manga, and later in anime version. Born as Kakarotto, Goku is a member of fictional kind called...


List o nowo poznanej dziewczynie

Dear Adam, Sorry I hadn't written for so long, but you won't believe what happened! I 've met a girl. Her name is Anna. We met in the park opposite my house (You know, I had written about it before). She's reading a book on bench and I sat...


An interesting places to visit in Poland - ciekawe miejsce do zobaczenia w Polsce. List.

Dear Jim ! Thank you very much for your interest of spending some time in my country. I’m sure that you will enjoy it and have a good time here. If you would like to know my recommendations regarding places to see in Poland, I would recommend...


Zdania warunkowe - Conditional Sentences

"0" conditional Odnosi sie do terazniejszosci.- 100% prawdopodobienstwa Zbudowane jest w sposob nastepujacy: If (jesli) Present Simple Present Simple np. If you heat water it boils. Rezultat spelnionego warunku "0" musi byc zawsze taki...


“Nowadays mobile phones are necessary in our lives? Do you agree?” - rozprawka po angielsku

“Nowadays mobile phones are necessary in our lives? Do you agree?” I think, that mobile phones are necessary as well everyday like on some kinds of foreign or national travels. I will try to prove these following arguments. To start with I’ll...


Adam Małysz - biografia

Adam Małysz was born on 03.12.1977 in Wisła. Wisła is a small town on south of Poland. He got married to Iza when he was 20, soon after his doughter was born. He was keen on ski jumping from his childhood. His first coach was his uncel Jan Szturc....


Opis uroczystości, która wywarła na mnie wrażenie

One month ago I won a ticket for my favourite band?s concert. Initially, I could not believe it but finally I realized that my wish came true. I have wondered about Tool?s concert for half a year and suddenly I am notified that it is me who is the...


Mój dzień - My day

Yesterday, I got up at half past seven. I washed my face, cleaned my teeth and put on my clothes. Then I had breakfast at quarter to seven. My dad made breakfast for me. I left home at seven o’clock. I rode to school by tram. In school I had...


Słownictwo związane z muzyką

Viola ? altówka Cello - wiolonczela Violin - skrzypce Flute Drum - bęben Cymbals Piano Guitar Harp - harfa Harmonica Mouth organ - fujarka Clarinet Bagpipe - kobza Double bass - kontrabas Mandolin Organ Drums / percussion Trombone - puzon...


List Formalny (Reklamacja)

Dear Sir/Madam. I’m writing to you concerning a CD player (Sony NA27) that I purchased several months ago from one of yours dealers here in Częstochowa: Mix Electronics Discount Audio. From your ads, I was led to believe that your audio...


Pharal Verbs & Idiomy

wszystko w załącznikach - kolorami żeby linijki sie nie mylily. Pozdrawiam;)


The History of Saint Valentine's Day - Historia Walentynek angielski

The History of Saint Valentine's Day Valentine's Day started in the time of the Roman Empire. In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holiday to honor Juno. Juno was the Queen of the Roman Gods and Goddesses. The Romans also knew her as the Goddess...


List z wakacji

Dear Anna, You know now I'm on holiday! I can't believe that I'm in Rio de Janeiro! The city is fantasic. I'm staying with the Serpas- they are friends of my family. They live in a lovely house with a beautiful view of the sea. The beach is...


List formalny - co to, jak napisać, kiedy pisać, co uwzglednić

List formalny: - jest to list ktory wysyłamy do osob zajmujacych oficjalne stanowiska i osob, ktorych dobrze nie znamy, nie utrzymujemy z nimi kontaktow towarzyskich. Listy skierowane do takiego grona odbiorców charakteryzuje formalny styl oraz...


Pros and cons of emigration

People have been always emigrating - from one country to another, from a village to a city or from the city to the village. Emigration has many advantages - evidence can be plenty of people who left place where they used to live. However, there...


Jedzenie - słówka

Meals – posiłki Breakfast – śniadanie Lunch – lunch Dinner – obiad Snack – przekąska High tea/ afternoon snack – podwieczorek Hot/ cold supper – koloacja na ciepło/ zimno First course – pierwsze danie Dessert – deser Side dish...