
Smoking should be banned in all public places

poleca 85% 113 głosów


To begin with, smoking is one of the biggest problem of our population. For some people it is troublesome addiction, for some other people it is only pleasure. Unfortunately, not only is smoking unhealthy but it is also very irritating for non-smokers. For this reason it is necessary to consider whether smoking should be banned in all public places or not.

The first point I want to make is that smoking destroy human’s health. People who smoke are much endangered to have a cancer , the inflammation of larynx and heart’s disease. Cigarettes damage also lungs of the smoker, and make his teeth yellow. Moreover it has a bad influence on skin and hair. Although we know that smokers destroy their health it is impossible to forbid them to smoke. In fact, it is their own problem.

Despite the fact that we are not supposed to interfere in smokers’ lives, we cannot allow them to poison non-smoking people. Non-smokers find it very disturbing and irritating when someone is smoking in a place where they are. The smoke of the cigarettes make them have headaches, eye ache or feel dizzy. As a result they even may vomit. What is more, all their clothes, their hair and bodies stink.

On the other hand , many people like smoking, during drinking beer or talking in pubs or restaurant. Most of them have to smoke because of their addiction .If smoking was forbidden, it would be restriction of smokers’ freedom. In addition people would give up visiting places where smoking is banned. Thus the owners of these locals would be in financial trouble

To sum up, the solution of this problem is to provide the areas for smoking and non-smoking people. As a result all of them will be delighted. However I think that smoking should be definitely banned in such places as cinemas, theatres, shops and schools.

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