
Biografia Ks. Jana Twardowskiego - Po angielsku

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Twardowski Jan (1915-2006) Productive yourselves 1 bail 1915 year on Warsaw. Frequented until college them. Tadeusza Czackiego. ON years 1933 współredagował międzyszkolne writing youth gimnazjalnej " forge Young ", whereabout tenure function editor department literary. To smasher that paper been thereof debut poetic as well prozatorski. Maturę zdał on 1936. ON ukazał yourselves prime tomik thereof verse pt. " return Andersena nawiązujący until poetic Skamandra. Therein samym year begun studios polonistyczne to Varsity Warszawskim , whom perfected until when Wojnicz on 1947 working space master " hour weens. Julius Slovakian ", write down under patroness profane. Waclawice Borowego. In II wars phoney war , when that clinch total thereof prior dorobek poetic , was the rank and file Army Prospect , partook on accrual warszawskim. Under way wars on year zaczął apprenticeship on underground Seminar Priest on Warsaw. Apprenticeship on seminar continuation with gaps until 1948 year , when lipca receive holy orders priestly. Put yourselves tuition religion on tuition specialist on Żbikowie. Via Wiele lat was provost kirks sióstr Business card on Warsaw , whereabout spread bidden to exitus , wherewith thereafter dedicated two harvest : " book paned " and Patyki as well patyczki ". In advance , or else yet under upshot 1945 year , return until publishing verse. Thereof creative work fall upon then to łamy Weekly Powszechnego. When Wojnicz redacted volumes " verses " (1959), " note trust " (1970) volume , who brought the race of poets dużą vogue , " book paned. Amount ex exitus as well not only ex exitus " (1973), " blue spectacles-glasses " (1980), " who make berries " (1983), " to silly ass " (1986), " not comes yours reclaim. Verses 1939-85" (1986), " conscience roused Niecodziennik " (1991) this chiefly file anecdote okraszony some summary spacer , " don't worry " (1992), " verses " (1993). ON 1980 year uhonorowano Twardowskiego reward PEN Clubu them. Robert Gravesa too całokształt creative work , on 1996 year Order Smile , on 2000 year reward IKAR , and year thereafter TOTUS która yclept is not so " catholic Noblem ". ON 1999 year Catholic University Lubelski granted him designation post-graduate honour causa. Died in the evening 18 contact 2006 on Warsaw. Inhumed were on krypcie to due Temple Providentially Bożej , as required primate Polish cardinal Joseph Glempa. Wolą volume Twardowskiego was , to bury him to Powązkach. Lyres volume Twardowskiego regards both of Bogu , as well as of people. Goods widoczne are not amount withdrawals as well metaphors bears accrual ( item , by way of superlative creature ). Verses this drive-in-bank often , throughout apostrophes as well other agent stylistically , they've reliability modlitewny np. words Boże when daisy the saint , firm as well smiled on Suplikacjach ").

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