
Alternative or traditional medicine

poleca 88% 102 głosów


T: Lepiej stosować alternatywne nietradycyjne metody leczenia. Zgadzasz się czy nie?

In my opinion traditional medicine is more helpful than alternative medicine. In arguments I would like to show I am right,
First of all alternative medicine practices are often based in belief systems not derived from modern science. Some commentators maintain that some or all fields of alternative medicine are pseudoscientific, or contain significant pseudoscientific elements. The most of doctors think alternative medicine practices are often based in belief systems.
Secondly it is bigger chance to cure somebody of something by traditional medicine because this type of medicine is a science. It is based on biology and chemistry, on ages of researches. Alternative medicine is good for some people, but it does not help everybody. If you start to use alternative medicine you are not sure it will help you. In my opinion you have less chance than if you use traditional medicine.
Prices of using these methods are similar but if you want to talk with doctor you do not have to pay. Using alternative medicine often involves a lot of expense.
In conclusion I thing it is more useful to use traditional medicine than alternative. Arguments are science and prices.

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