
Plastic surgery - necessity or vanity?

poleca 85% 103 głosów


Nowadays, plastic surgery is becoming more and more popular. Everyone dreams about beaing beautiful nevertheless, plastic surgery is not always used for improving beauty. So, is it necessity or vanity?
There are two kinds of plastic surgery. The first one, which I consider to be the vanity, is when somebody
wants to change his natural appereance in order to impress the environment. I have heard about many film stars and famous singers,
who decided to enlarge their breasts, change the natural size of their nose, face lifting etc. If they were not so rich, they could not afford
on such an expensive operation and without a plastic surgery they could live absolutley normally. Although they are getting old, they do not let
their youth to pass away, which is in my opinion completley unnecessary and a symptom of vain.138
The other kind of plastic surgery occurs, when it restoes somebodys appereance after some kind of accident. Eg a baby, who burned itself
with a boiling water or a person who has his face massacred after a car accident. In such cases, plastic surgery is the only chance to live normally
in a society and without the operation these people would be disabled and unhappy until death209
In my opinion, it is impossible to unambiguously say, that a plasitc surgery is a necessity or a vanity. It depends on the situation: sometimes it can save your life and sometimes it might be only a way to fulfil your gruondless whims.

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