
Christmas (Religion)

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Two thousnad year ago, Jesus was born in Bethlehem. That was the first Christmas... His parents, Mary and Joseph, were poor and could not find a place to stay, so Jesus was born in a manger. Some shepherds came to visit him, and also some kings brought him gifts. from that day on, people all over the world have celebrated Christmas. They give gifts to one another, they sing and rejoice. But many of us forget that christmas is the Birthday of Jesus. We make a lot of noise and buy many things, but forget the poor Baby Jesus. Jesus wants us to remember that Christmas is his big Birthday Party. There is no Christmas without Jesus. You are also invited to the birthday party of Jesus. What gift will you bring? Jesus will be very happy on his birthday if we can be with him and talk to him in prayer. Another gift we can give Jesus is to make the people around us happy by helping our parents, by studying our lessons, and by helping other children. So we remember that Christmas is the birthday of Jesus, and we are invited to his birthday party. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!! "Thank you, God, for Jesus, your Christmas gift to us. I pomise to love him and give him to others, too, as my Christmas gift to you".

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