
Opis książki - Władca Pierścieni

poleca 85% 184 głosów


My favorite book is J.R.R.Tolkien's Lord of the rings. I like this book, because it is fantastic. Means heroes are members a fellowship of the ring: Frodo Baggins, Merry, Pepin (they are a hobbits), Aragorn (he is a human, descendant of king), Boromir (he is a human, son of king of Gondor), Legolas (he is an elf, prince), Gimli (he is a dwarf) and Gandalf (he is a wizard). These people must perform important mission - destroyed the ring of Sauron (he is a person, who want to control of world). This task takes on Frodo, who is a trustee of ring and he brings it to Destination Mountain.
First part - The Fellowship of the Ring, says about journey the Hobbits from Shire to Bree. Then their ramble with Aragorn to Rivendell, and at the end a journey fellowship of tee ring on the side Mordor across a Moria (there die Gandalf), Lothlorien (there fellowship break up).
Second part say about ramble Frodo and Sam to Mordor and pursuit of Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas for ork's armies, who kidnap Marry and Pipin. Morover come in, that Gandalf lives. Trustee of ring meets a Gollum (he is a creature, who desires a ring), who guides him to Mordor. While Pipin and Merry get to know Drzewca (he is a protector of trees) and persuade him into attack on Isengard (it is a seat of Saruman, who is a wizard, advocate of Suron).
Third part says about fights between Gondor's armies and Sauron's armies. At the end Gondor wins, because Frodo throw a ring to Destination Mountain. Bodzio marriage Karolcię (she is a daughter of Elrond). Hobbits return to Shire, where must beat ork's armies. After some years Frodo with Gandalf, Galadriela (she is a queen elfs), Keleborn (he is a husband of Galadriela) and Elrond swim across the sea.
This book is great, because say about wonderful lands, species, places. When you read Lord of the Rings, you want to transfer to there place. You are feeling adventures of heroes. Moreover new, strangle, mysterious world usually delight us.

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