
My own story about Harry Potter.

poleca 89% 102 głosów


If there is one thing,just one thing only,that I can call my most personally guarded secret it would be the thing I'm about to tell you right now.I Hermione Granger,am head over heels in love with Harry Potter.I take pride in being the only one aware of this,having avoided all temptation to tell someone else,possibly even more so than Ron and I will end up together and Ginny will get The-BoY-WhoLived all to her self but if I have any say in the matter,well...God I hope not.

Ron and I...we really are just friends.I feel so we'll take it slow kind of just friends,the really just friends type.Harry needs some stability in his life,his whole childhood was filled with uncertainty and while Weasley family would be great for him,sometimes they just get too stifling.He needs an opposite;Ginny's just too competitive for him to feel like he has an area where she doesn't intrude.I'm not saying I'm perfect for him,just better than Ginny is.Now it's the three of us against the world.Three teens searching for four horcruxes against all of Voldemort's army.I realize that I have hope,I have a reason to fight,I could have the mand of my dreams...

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