
My favorite film is ...

poleca 85% 520 głosów


Armageddon, directed by Michael Bay, is a fascinating science-fiction film.
It is set in NASA Laboratory and in space. The film is about the struggle between people and a huge meteor.
Scientists of NASA discovered, that a huge meteor comes nearer to the Earth. It flies at 35 thousands kilometers per hour. If it fell down, our planet would be destroyed. Boss Dan Truman,played by Billy Bob Thomton, thinks that mission of space shuttle, which participants will land on the meteor, will drill holes and will place there nuclear charge, will be one of possible solutions. Harry Stamper, played by Bruce Willis, is the only one human, who could do it.

Life in our planet depends on Harry Stamper and his abilities.
Mission with Harry Stamper and his friends was succesfull, but he had to die for humanity.
All the actors, especially Bruce Willis and Liv Tyler, are excellent. The film is filled with suspence and emotion. The scenes in space were wonderful. The film presents one of many answers for question : "How will the earth look like in future?".
Armageddon is a wonderful film for the whole family. Don`t miss it as you will watch videos cassettes.

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