
Czas Past continuons

poleca 85% 257 głosów


Positive statements. Negative statements.

I was working yesterday. I wasn't sunbathing.
You were working yesterday. You weren't sunbathing.
He was working yesterday. He wasn't sunbathing.
She was working yesterday. She wasn't sunbathing.
We were working yesterday. We weren't sunbathing.
They were working yesterday. They weren't sunbathing.


Was I working?
Were you working?
Was he working?
Was she working?
Were we working?
Were they working?

Short answers,positive. Short answers,negative.

Yes,I was. No,I wasn't.
Yes,you were. No,you weren't.
Yes,he was. No,he wasn't.
Yes,she was. No,she wasn't.
Yes,we were. No,we weren't.
Yes,they were. No,they weren't.

*Czasu Past continuons używamy,gdy chcemy powiedzieć,że ktoś był w trakcie wykonywania jakiejś czynności w określonym momencie czasu w przeszłości. Czynność ta rozpoczęta była przed tym określonym momentem,lecz nie została zakończona,np. What were you doing at 5 o'clock yesterday?
I was watching TV.

Zdania okolicznikowe czasu z "when" i "while".

While they were eating,they heard a cry.
-Podczas gdy jedli,usłyszeli krzyk.
They were eating when they heard a cry.
-Jedli,kiedy (nagle) usłyszeli krzyk.
What were they doing when they heard the cry?
-Co oni robili,kiedy usłyszeli krzyk?

*Czas Past simple i Past continuous często razem występują w zdaniu.
Past continuous określa czynność rozciągniętą w czasie,a Past simple wydarzenie krótkotrwałe,
np. I was standing at the bus stop when somebody stole my bag. While I was waiting outside the cinema,I saw Gina.

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