
Violence and Bulling

poleca 91% 102 głosów


Violence is becoming more and more popular nowadays. Mass media are almost bombarding us presenting acts of violence every day. We are surrounded by violent and dangerous scenes from our everyday life. According to scientists\' opinions violence is caused by powerful
governments and higher and higher unemployment. Peoples\' dreams and plans of better and easier life don\'t come true. That\'s the reason why they\'re frustrated and trying to find some proper way of gettig rid of tension accumulated in their bodies and minds. Unprovoked acts
of violence among teens are mainly caused by computer games, bad and negative influence of films and - generally speaking - mass media. Some people say that it\'s all because of weak law and lack of law-abiding society. Even minor wrongduers ssould be punished and many
things ought to be strictly forbidden. Deatht penatly also should be more common.

As far as I am concerned bullying means for examle calling people names, saying or writing nasty and offensive things about them, making people feel uncomfartable, damaging their things or even staeling them, etc. Bulling is very popular at school now. Many students are
victims of bulling, usually they\'re unhappy children. You can find it in computer games, surfing through Internet, etc. In my opinion people dont\'t do every thing to minimalize the risk of bulling. I think that more actions against bulling on TV would work and help. In this
picture you can see a victom of bulling. Not onl;y students but also teachers can be victims.The next photo presents a teacher from Toruń bulled by students. I believe that such kind of situation can\'t take place any more.

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