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The Past of Ełk
1398 –1406 – the Teutonic Knight’s castle is built on the island;
1425 – Ełk is founded;
1513 – Ełk receives its own seal with an emblem representing a
jumping deer with upturned head looking towards the left,
surrounded by trees;
1560 – Ełk is granted the right to organize weekly markets;
1669 – the granting of town rights is confirmed by a special
1720 - the first town school is founded in Ełk;
1818 – Ełk becomes a powiat capital;
1842 – the first edition of the local monthly paper appears;
1876 – Ełk has a telegraph station;
1868 – the Ełk – Królewiec (Konigaberg) railway line is opened;
1898 – the first telephone in Ełk;
1920 – after a plebiscite performed in Mazury, Ełk remains within the
territory of Germany;
1945 – Ełk is taken by the Red Army, and on 6 April is handed over to
1992 – the Ełk Diocese is created;
1999 – Ełk is visited by Pope John Paul II (the largest gathering in the
history of the town is noted – about 300 000 pilgrims).
The present – day region of Ełk belonged in the early Middle Ages to the lands of the little –known Jaćwing tribe. The Jaćwings were the first build a fort on the island on Ełk Lake. In the years 1398-1406, the Teutonic Knights built a small castle on the same spot. The castle had a strong strategic location and it protected its inhabitants and neighbours well, but it was destroyed within a few years of the Battle of Grunwald.
The first to mention the name of Łek was chronicler Jan Długosz. The name of the village was taken from the name of the river on which it had been founded. The modern from, Ełk comes from the locative of the name: in Łek, changed over the years into in Ełk.
The founder and first bailiff of Ełk was Bartosz Bratomil. Thanks to its advantageous location, Ełk developed rapidly and it soon received civic rights from the grand Master Paul von Russdorf. The date of receiving civic rights is not quite clear. It was either 1435 or 1445. This is why 1425, the date of founding of the village is often used by historians instead. After the Thirteen-Year War, the region was further colonised. In 1449, Ełk had about 600 inhabitants. The first parish was created in 1469.
The period of the blossoming of Elk 16th century. In 1536, Jan called Małecki arrived in Ełk. He was a printer and published books in the Polish language. In 1599, the school existing in Ełk became a ducal school. In the years 1547 –51, St. Catherine’s, the parish church, was rebuilt. The town hospital was built roughly in the same period. The town continued to expand thanks to Duke Albrecht’s charter from 1560 allowing Ełk to hold weekly markets.
Later, Ełk was the victim of many misfortunes: in 1625, it was attacked by the plague; in 1651, there was a great fire; in 1655, the Tartars burnt down the town. Ełk had entered a period of stagnation.
The more important events of the 18th century were the founding of the town school in 1720 and the founding of the first pharmacy in 1754.
In 1800, the first teacher’s college was founded. It was organised and directed by the Ełk archpresbyter, Tymoteusz Gizewiusz, who was a great scholar of the Polish language.
The first half of the 19th century was not auspicious for the town. Several great fires destroyed all monuments of architecture from the previous centuries; this is why today Ełk makes the impression of being a 19th –century town. In 1868, the Ełk –Królewiec railway line was opened. The years of the I World War brought about further destruction of the town; Ełk found itself on the front –line. It was captured three times by the Russians. The center of town was totally destroyed by bombs.
Maybe to Ełk?
Ełk is not large city (essential fact for amateurs excursions on foot). Leaving from cities in no matter which direction, sooner or later meets forest or lake. Nothing strange - Ełk lies in heart Mazury not without reason call Land Of Forests and Lakes.
Message for lazy - to soak legs it is not necessary to leave city, because Ełk is situated under lake about this same name. What more - lake Ełk is connected with river Ełk.
Land of Stork.
Ełk and regions are name Land of Stork too. Not without reasons of course.
Just this part of Poland storks especially took a liking for building nests. They live only in undefiled natural environment, and that why their presence is guarantee of cleanness environment this place.
Fauna and Flora.
Flora Ełk and regions this forest fate ok. 30% of region. Pines, junipers, spruces and birches cause, that better for health is week in Ełk than month in sanatorium. Uncommon occurrence is water lily growing in period summer - river Ełk. Just from her city took name. Former name Ełk - Łek this white water lily. Ełk's forests diversifies rich fauna: stags, roe-deers, wild, hares, martens, cowards, in winter lynx and wolves.
Just How Many Lakes Are There Near Ełk?
There is no way you could say that there are not enough lakes in the vicinity of Ełk. Their high number led to the creation of a geographical region called the Ełk Lake District. Many of the lakes lie hidden deep in the forests. Some lakes do not even have a name - maybe because they are so small, or because there are so many of them.
In Ełk you can have a rest in centre of city too. In Ełk one can have a rest in centre of city also. Serves to this old, romantic park with winding avenues along of which benches are placed In Ełk one can have a rest in centre of city also. Serves ago old, romantic park with winding avenues along of which placed are benches. in centre of park murmurs fountain, and evening style lanterns light adding to place of charm and mysteriousness.
What inhabitants of Ełk do when don't work?
Inhabitants of Ełk, when return from work and will have a rest on so much, that begin to be bored, have several possibilities of spending free time. Advocates of healthy life can choose basin - newly built with really long chute. Always can lend canoe or flow in walking cruise with " Dolphin" - ship excursion. Inhabitants thirsty intellectual impressions have at choice offer of cinema Polonia or DKF-U in ECK.
Instead most of amusement usually choose smoky pubs, how {as} Hesta or Jopi or disco (Lagoon), where you can meet interested people, and prices don't cause palpitation of hearts.
The Theatre in Ełk.
There are two amateur theatres in Ełk: the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur Theater and the 30 Minutes Theater. The former was created in June 1994 Thanks to the efforts of a professional actor resident in Ełk, Piotr Kowalewski. The actors of this theatre are people of different ages and different professions, among them a large group of secondary school student. The public really enjoys every new play presented by them.
To this times presented:
“Balladyna” by Juliusz Słowacki
“The Miser” by Moliere
“The Match” by Gogol
“Playing with the Devil” by Jan Drda
“A Christmas Carol” by Schiller, and
“The Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare.
With summer you can look cabarets from all Poland in Ełk. From eight years takes place here MazUrskie LaTo Kabaretowe – Mulatka. During this time, Ełk literally shakes with laughter: This Is an event that you want to miss. In Gallery “Ślad” in ECK you can look exhibitions of pictures , sculptures, photos, hand-made objects artistic too. Take place concerts different musical teams.
Free time you can sacrifice on sightseeing of monuments Ełk.
Oldest monument is castle.
In the years 1398-1406, the Teutonic Knights built a small castle on the same spot. The castle had a strong strategic location and it protected its inhabitants and neighbours well, but it was destroyed within a few years of the Battle of Grunwald. Today original are only foundations, the rest added later.
Island on which castle built is joint bridge with mainland. It's excellent scenic point, with pleasure visited by walking inhabitants.
The Street of Ełk.
Wojska Polskiego, Armii Krajowej, Chopina, Małeckich, Piłsudskiego, 3 Maja…As you walk the downtown streets, you may realize that are being watched! Bearded men, mysterious beautiful women, youths, and playful children gaze down, hidden between the columns, animal forms, and twisted creepers adorning the walls of Art Nouveau houses.
Though much younger than the town itself, still these buildings are the mute witnesses of history. It is the children among the historical monuments of Ełk that have survived to guard the memory of bygone days, and to carry this memory proudly into the future.
Take a closer look at these interesting facades, find the human forms and ornaments in Art Nouveau style placed between the windows, admire the elegant balconies and the majestic, gabled roofs. Gaze back into the eyes of the face watching you from the walls, stop for a while to think about what used to be.
Religions in Ełk.
Ełk is steeped in an atmosphere of religious tolerance. There is Eastern Orthodox church, two Protestant ones (Baptist and Methodist), and several larger and smaller Catholic churches, of which the most important are the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church built in 1850, and St. Wojciech Cathedral built in 1853. There also used to be a synagogue in Ełk; unfortunately it had been completely destroyed.
Narrow-gauged Railway
Ełcka Narrow-gauged Railway has come into being in years 1910 - 1917, and in year 1992 became recognized for monument of technics. Line runs from Ełk to Turów and her entire distance this 48 km. However attraction are not usual transports of persons or commodities, but travel by retro trains with antique carriages. To programme of excursion belongs sightseeing antique engine-house and rolling-stock. Good message for amateurs of sausage baked on watch-place - after travel exists possibility of organizing such watch-places over bank of lake. To make commemorative photo in beautiful region, about yours own only should inform engine-driver.
Water Tower
Water Tower is very important monument of Ełk. You can say, that decide visiting-card our town. It's visible from every places in town, because became raised on hill. Tower built in 1895 year. Nowadays in restored building is found abode Ełcka Minority National and Water Museum.
We have hope, that recommended informations will encourage you to visit Ełk.
We invite heartily!
In June 1994, the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur Theater started functioning in Ełk. Its founder is a graduate of the State Theatrical College I Warsaw, Department of Acting. He had worked in the theatres of the capital: Teatr Polski and Teatr Dramatyczny before he decided to come back to his home town and create a permanent theater scene theater building from before World War II.
From June to November 1994, candidates underwent intensive training which helped them grasp the basic of the art of acting. In December 1994, rehearsals of the first play began. On 15 March 1995, the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur Theater presented one of Goldoni’s comedies, which was enthusiastically received by the public. In June 1995, another play was presented: Thornton Wilder’s “Our Town”. The theatre group started attaining the characteristics of a professional team, and the director could start working on plays which required high acting skills. The 1995/96
Season was opened with “Zemsta” (The Revenge) by Aleksander Fredro.
The occasion was used to officially give the Theatre the name of the great Polish actor, Józef Węgrzyn. The successes of the theatre and the growing number of spectators prove that Ełk had really needed a permanent dramatic scene. The Ełk theatre cooperating with professional actors. For the next play performed, “Four Comedies” by Antoni Czechow, the director secured the participation of Adam Biedrzycki, an actor from Teatr Polski I Warsaw.
Since June 1996, the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur has also presented:
“Balladyna” by Juliusz Słowacki
“The Miser” by Moliere
“The Match” by Gogol
“Playing with the Devil” by Jan Drda
“A Christmas Carol” by Schiller, and
“The Taming of the Shrew” by William Shakespeare.
Jan Majewski a well-known Polish film director, wrote the following after seeing the first-night performance of Moliere’s “Miser”:
I was invited to the first-night performance of Moliere’s “Miser” to the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur Theatre in Ełk. I saw Piotr Kowalewski, who is also director of the play, in the leading role. I knew him to be a very talented actor, as he had been noticed when still studying at the Warsaw Theatrical College.
His colleagues from Teatr Dramatyczny, where he had worked for about two years, had a very high opinion of him. I also knew that he suddenly and unexpectedly decided to end his professional career, and to return to Ełk, his home town; once there, he soon realized that he could not function without the theatre; so he organized an amateur theatre, which he has been leading for two years now. They have presented three plays so far (Goldoni, Wilderm and Fredro). “The Miser: is their fourth play. Piotr Kowalewski was able to transfer his enthusiasm to a group of people of different professions and ages (teachers, clerks, students); he built up their skills and made actors out of them. Each new play was a huge step forward , but until now Kowalewski did not take any important roles and was satisfied to stay in the shadow of his student, patient bearing their occasional clumsiness, poor diction or naïve interpretation. And now, when his teaching had borne fruit, he has decided to show his real skills. While having at his disposal very modest finances, he has created a dynamic play, perfectly directed, funny and aggressive, full of amateur charm, but at the same time surprisingly professional. What is most important, though, is that he himself presented such extraordinary acting abilities, such maturity and force of expression, and such sophisticated humor. I, who am afraid of going to Warsaw or Kraków theaters lest my best friends, those wonderful leading actors of ours, with whom I have stuck through thick and thin, notice from the stage that I am dozing; I, today, laughed like a child and had real tears in my eyes. Moliere amused me, but Piotr Kowalewski moved me. He moved me with his great modesty and great art. I do not have the habit o writing to newspapers, I do not think that my opinion actors that I have been the witness of the appearance of an outstanding actor. Please remember his name, it will be very popular one day. You can quote me on this.
Janusz Majewski.
Currently, the Józef Węgrzyn Amateur Theatre functions on the stage of the Ełk Cultural Center. It is supported by the local authorities, as well as other institutions and private sponsors. In the five years of its existence, it has attracted a large audience and has become an important center of theatrical art in the Mazury region. Janusz Majewski and Leonardo Pietraszek have helped the actors get many costumes and accessories from Teatr Współczesny and Teatr Ateneum In Warsaw. Technical support and scenography are well established. The following plays will be presented soon:
“The Knaveries of Scapin” by Moliere – July 1999
“Zemsta” by Fredro – September 1999
“The Cross and the Dagger” – a musical based on David Wilkerson – January 2000.
The address of the Theater is: Stowarzyszenie Twórczości Teatralnej, 19 300 Ełk, ul. Wojska Polskiego 47, tel. 087-6104491, fax.087-6104492.
Ełk is town of considerable economic potential. Thanks to this, the town can continue to develop well. The economy of Ełk is an example of the expansion of the private sector, and of the changes taking in the structure of ownership. It expresses energy, strength, and the willingness to pursue new directions of cooperation and take every challenge.
The changes which took place after 1989 led to deep restructuring of organization and ownership in trade. For the past year, more and more people have started their own businesses in the sector of trade.
The local authorities are open to various forms of cooperation, and investors can negotiate preferential treatment individually.
The developing economy and the existing potential of the local community make the town an attractive area for domestic and foreign investors.
The town has the following strong points:
Central location in the existing and future transformation system
High concentration of companies
Potential of traditional industries which are currently being re-organized
High development dynamic of small and medium private companies
High percentage of people with technical education
Possibility of increasing the qualifications of the existing work force.

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