
Money isn't everything - sprawdzona przez nauczyciela, ocena: bdb :]

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Many people say that money isn't everything, we should rather think about our family, helath, education and so on. But is it true ?

In our world money is very important thing. Without money life could be very difficult. But sometimes people forget that there are things more important. Sometimes rich people suffer from depression. They don’t have time for pleasure or meeting friends. They don’t know if their friends like them for money or not. I would like not to have financial problems in my life but there are lots of others things which are more important for me than money. People save money because nobody knows what will be in future. We could have some problems with our health, and it’s much easier to overcome them witch money. We can go then to the best hospitals and have expensive medical care. On holiday we could travel around the world with our family. There are also a lot of things for ourselves and our family that we could buy. But the most important fact is that the money can’t buy love. We know that ”love” is the most marvelous affection in whole world. We need long time to fall in love and that is why it is really deeply feeling. We can not just pay and fall in love with somebody. It is much longer process and it is connecting with many different feelings like: deep confidence, devotion, sensitivity and just friendship. Therefore when somebody falls in love they are always happy and the world is colorful for them. Moreover their hearts beat much faster and everything is much easier for them…

Summing up we can say that money can buy only material things, which will give us joy only for short time. They can not give us internal joy with is love, friendship, family care. If we want to be really happy we have to remember that the money isn’t everything.

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