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A meaning of word “stonehenge” is : “hanging the stones” in english and in polish it means: “kamienna szubienica”

There is nothing quite like Stonehenge anywhere in the world and for 5000 years it has drawn visitors to it. We shall never know what drew people here over the centuries or why hundreds of people struggled over thousands of years to build this monument, but visitors from all over the world come to marvel at this amazing feat of engineering.
We don’t know, it was a saint cementary or an astronomical observatory.

The Stones stand on the Salisbury Plain in the Wiltshire - in the south of Ensland. By the river Avon.
Before Stonehenge was built, the whole of Salisbury Plain was a forest of towering pines and hazel woodland. What we see today is about half of the original monument. Some of the stones have fallen down, others have been carried away to be used for building or to repair farm tracks and over centuries visitors have added their damage too.

Stonehenge was built in three or even in four phases by about 1500 years - mostly between 1800 and 1400 B.C..

How did they get these stones to stand upright? The truth is nobody really knows. It required sheer muscle power and hundreds of men to move one of these megaliths. The heaviest of them weight probably about 45 tons. ( the legend says, that Merlin was a man, who moved the stones on the Salisbury Plain)

Stonehenge was formerly owned by a local man, Sir Cecil Chubb, and he gave it to the nation in 1918 and it is now managed by English Heritage on behalf of the Government.

In the last few years has appeared the Stonehenge Project.
It is designed to improve the setting of Stonehenge. It will remove the sounds of the roads and traffic from the area near the Stones. This project institutes transformation of the landscape in the new world class visitor centre

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