
Dialog w restauracji

Ostatnia aktualizacja: 2024-02-11
poleca 83% 3303 głosów


- Good evening. Table for one?
- Yes, please.
- This way, please.
- Thank you.
- Would you like to look at the menu?

- May I take your order, please?
- Yes, to start, I’d like the tomato soup.
- Of course. And for the main course?
- I’d like the roast chicken with crisps and salad.
- I’m sorry madam, but we haven’t got any roast chicken today. I recommended the grilled fish or a pepper steak.
- Oh, ok. Can I have a pepper steak?
- Yes, with crisps and salad?
- Yes.
- Would you like something to drink?
- Just some water, please.
- Very well. Would you like to order your dessert, now?
- No, thanks. Maybe later
- Of course.

- How is your steak?
- A bit tough but the sauce is nice.
- Would you like some dessert now?
- Yes. I’d like an apple pie.
- Of course...
- ...or maybe ice cream with strawberries and whipped cream
- Ok, ice cream with strawberries

- Is everything all right?
- Yes, thank you. Can I have the bill, please?
- Of course. One moment...

- Here you are.

- Thank you

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Komentarze (3) Brak komentarzy

b19w ale tam niema pani czy pana i chyba w słowie (main couse) jest blond powinno być (main course) bo tam chodzi o danie główne
Ale praca jest fajna

praca dobra Moze byc

Troche ta praca uboga i za krotka , powinna ona jeszcze zawierac krotkie komentarze co do tego jakie te dania sa , no i wiecej dialogu pomiedzy pania a panem i kelnerem:)

Treść zweryfikowana i sprawdzona

Czas czytania: 1 minuta