

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Standards of beauty vary a great deal across time and culture. According to National Geographic there is a tribe in Africa in which a woman under 100 kg of weight is good for nothing.
Even Socrates was following same stereotypes. When he used to say than a short man is not a man but short woman is not even a human being.
Generally there are two basic standards. One and permanent is connected with looking for the best partner to procreate and second changes through the ages and depends on artistic vision and mirrors present trends.
Rubens models, beauty icons of their times, would be estimated as highly overweighed. Larger size and more body fat reflected status in Renesans. If you were tin or slim and tanned it would mean that you are o poor worker.
Nowadays if you want to look healthy and rich you should sunbath often. Modern plastic surgery is developed so much that we can change our shape and face according to seasonal trends.
A lot of woman and more often man would do anything to stay young and beautiful even of the expense of their health. At the same time people neglect internal beauty which is not only shin deep.

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