
Genetic engineering - an article.

poleca 89% 101 głosów


A boy, please

It is possible that this question will not be uncommon anymore. Maybe we will be able to choose a gender of child, hair colour? If genetic engineering is able to create a perfect vegetable, it means that it can do the same with a human.
Would you like to be a blue-eyed, tall blonde with a big breast? I am sure all of us have an ideal picture of ourselves. Do you remember the Dolly sheep? Imagine if you could copy yourself without any disadvantages. Genetic engineers can delete them and add something better. Sounds great but there is a reverse. What if they copy Hitler for example? Should we expect a 3rd world war? It is likely.
How about copying Einstein? That is a good idea. Maybe he will discover how to teleport people…?

Everything has a positive and negative side. It would be good to copy your organs – just in case. They would be ready to transplantation when you need them. But…where should they grow? You have to create another human first and… kill him if you need a heart for example.

There are many questions. Where is the borderline? It is illegal to clone people for now but how can we know if someone has not done it already?

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