
Nicolaus Copernicus

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Nicolaus Copernicus lived from 1473 to 1543. He was a great Polish astronomer, mathematician ,cleric and a doctor. He studied astronomy, law and medicine in Academy of Cracow and then in Bolonga and Padwa. After studying abroad he came back to Poland and lived in Lidzbark Warmiński and then as a priest in Frombork ,where he conducted astronomic observations. During Polish-Crossmen war he defended Olsztyn’s castle against the Crossmen. From 1515 to 1530 he wrote an astronomic masterpiece about the Earth going around its axis and around the Sun under the title ”O obrotach sfer niebieskich ”.At his times the new theory was difficult to accept for the Church and other scientists because the Earth had been considered as the center of space ; not the Sun.

Some decades had to pass, so whole world admitted Copernicus theory as a base of modern astronomy.

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