
List nieformalny o GMO

poleca 86% 101 głosów


Uczestniczyłeś na wykładzie n.t. zdrowej żywności i GMO
Gdzie odbył się ten wykład i kto prowadził
Jak przebiegało to spotkanie i jakie osiągnięcia ma na swoim koncie prowadzący
Podaj 2 rzeczy, które zrobiły na tobie wrażenie
Jak zamierzasz zmienić swoje życie po tym wykładzie, zachęć kolegę do zaczerpnięcia widzy o zdrowej żywności i GMO

Hello John
I'd like to tell you about a lecture, I've been to. The topis was healthy food and GMO. The lecturer is a well-known professor who wrote multiple books about healthy diets and geneticallymodified food and pets. The lecture took place on our local university. Before going I had to buy a ticket. The lecture was so interesting and it enlightened me in many ways. What made the biggest impression on me is learning that I've been eating in an unhealthy way and that I may not even know that I've been buying GMO. After hearing what the professor has to say on the topic I decided to change my life for the better and started by buying his books that were being sold right after the lecture. He also signed autographs. I recommend you look up information on this subject, I also could lend you my books if you want. We could both create healthy eating habits. Write soon, XYZ.

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Czas czytania: 1 minuta