
Capital punishment...

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Many people argue about the necessity of the capital punishment. Who is right?…

“Why should there be a capital punishment?” – someone may ask. There are two main reasons. The first one is, deterring other criminals from committing the most serious crimes. Nobody wants to be get a capital punishment. And the second reason is, to protect the normal, innocent people from getting hurt. You never know, if some murderer will not kill you on the street or in your apartment. But if he gets a capital punishment, you feel safer. Of course, there are many criminals, but still there is one less.

Hadn’t it been for the capital punishment, the number of the most serious crimes, such as a murder or a rape, would have increased. This may sound brutal, but in my point of view people should ‘eliminate’ the harmful individuals. If not, they can be released from prison one day and kill some more people. Even if they get a life sentence, it does not mean that they will be kept in prison through all their all lives.

Many people are against this punishment, they say it is not human. But is the killing of innocent people human? It is not… Of course, the biblical rule “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” is not valid anymore, but in some cases, when the criminals show no pity and there are hardly any chances for them being resotialized, the capital punishment is the only way of punishing them.

The other problem is, that the media make heroes from the criminals. They show them on TV, make interviews with them… Sometimes the criminals write books about their lives. And they even get money for that. I think this should never happen. They are offenders, not stars…

To sum up, the capital punishment is a necessary punishment nowadays. It is not being used in Poland, but I hope it will be established one day. Because the whole society should be safe, not only the criminals…

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