
Only amateurs should participant in the Olympics. Pros and cons of tourism.

poleca 86% 103 głosów


1. In my opinion not only amateurs should participant in the Olympics. As well as biology can be the passion for doctor, sport ex. volleyball is a passion for athletes. Everybody should have possibility to earn money in the way they prefer. Athletes are people who often devote their life to sport. They should have opportunity to participate im Olympic amd compete with the other.

2. Pros:
+ tourism contributes to reduce unemployment, people can raise money because of it, they can find a job in restaurants, museums or hotels ex. in well known-towns like Kraków there are new buildings like shops or hotels opened
+ old buildings like churches or castles are renovate because tourists want to visit that places, they aren’t damage by ex. time because of it
+ during holidays abroad tourists learn foreign language, they can use it in practice, not only in school, they practice their skills
+ when people visit other countries, places they learn more about ex. culture, cuisine, music, sport and people who live there because of it tourists and local people become more tolerant
+ we learn about the worls, history, events and people , we gain new experiences
- Because of tourists environmental in places which are well known is polluted, there is lot of rubbish dropped everywhere, the fumes their care produce and litters, sometimes cost more than tourists spend money in this place
- Hotels where tourists stays for the night during holidays are often situated in beautiful areas, buildings disturb these views. Many trees are cut down to make more space for example hotel
- Tourists speak only the language in simple contexts like shopping or asking about the way, their grammar is usually poor, it isn’t good to speak that way
- Stereotypes are the problem. Tourists and local people also by knowing small group of people can criticise entire nation and they relate their point of view to friends and the knowledge is limited to stereotypes
- Often people do not show due respect for places which are very important to local people

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