
About me.

poleca 85% 188 głosów


I'm usually happy and relaxed. I don't like feeling worried or stressed. I like playing football, volleyball and basketball. Every day I chat with my friends. I like going to the sports arena. Family and friends are important in my life. I like meeting my friends. Once a week we play football or go shopping. I'm interested in sports. My favourite sports are ski jumping, Formula 1 and football. My favourite ski jumpers are Thomas Morgenstern, Andreas Kofler, Manuel Fettner, Markus Eggenhofer and Arthur Pauli. I like F1 because it's very fast sport. Every Saturday I go fishing. My favourite colours are blue, balck, orange and green. I feel frightened when I see spiders. They're horrible! I have got three cats and rabbit. In the future I want to be an Austrian ski jumpers couch. It's one of my dreams. Second of them is going to all the ski jumping competition.

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