
How to protect our environment - mówka.

poleca 85% 159 głosów


Our planet is in trouble! Almost every day we can hear abouth the problem affecting the environment - and that's a list of problems - pollution, acid rain, global warming, the destruction of rainforests, the decline and extinction thousands of species of animals and plants.
Every one of us can do something to help slow down and reverse some of the damage.
We can protect our natural environment by simple ways:
- by decreasing the use of products made of wood (paper, furniture). This may result in decrease of the deforestation process,
- by using protective filters in our chimneys. In this way the air will be less polluted.
- car fumes produce carbon dioxide - so try to cut down on car journeys if possible. Use a bike or walk.
- by increasing green areas and parks by planting trees and plants.
- use less energy by switching off lights when rooms are not in use and not wasting hot water.
However, there are a lot of other ways to protect our environment. We should pay more attention on our environment and try to take more care about it. In this way we will be able to enjoy healthy life in the unpolluted world.

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