
Dzień, który na długo pozostanie w mej pamięci - Nieoczekiwana przygoda

poleca 87% 102 głosów


It was a typical and normal day. Initially, weather was really great and perfect. It was sunny and hot. The smell of grass and flowers filled the air. We decided to go for a walk. The day before, I quarreled with Peter. We have been couple three years.
Grey clouds blocked out every trace of sunlight and the contnuos drizzle made everything damp and cold. As we were walking along in silence, the only sounds were those of our feet in the mud and the howling of the wind over the mountains.
His face was sad and he felt miserable. Finally, rain stopped pouring. On the sky, coloured rainbow appeared. Suddenly and uneexpectedly, he kneeled down and asked me: ' Would you be my wife? ' . He gave me a brilliant golden ring. I agreed with his proposition. Peter kissed me. Next, we returned to our home. He invited me for a supper to luxurious and welcoming restaurant. Peter gave me a boquet of roses and said: ' I love you, Susan '. We have already chosen the day of our wedding. It was a fanastic and unforgettable day, a day which changed my life...

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