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Co odkrył Thomas Young


Thomas Young

Thomas Young - (1773-1829), fizyk, lekarz i fizjolog angielski. Czlonek Royal Society (od 1794), profesor Royal Institution (1801-1803), wykladowca w Middlesex University (1809-1810), lekarz w Saint George Hospital (od 1811). Jako...


Thomas Young

Thomas Young - (1773-1829), fizyk, lekarz i fizjolog angielski. Czlonek Royal Society (od 1794), profesor Royal Institution (1801-1803), wykladowca w Middlesex University (1809-1810), lekarz w Saint

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Report on a car crash.

Report on a car crash. 17 -year old driver kills himself and his friend. In the early hours of Monday morning two young people were killed in the terrible accident caused by a 17-year

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A person i will never forget

Thomas was a new student in my class. The first time i saw him when i came into my classroom. He sat alone everyone looked at him strangely. He smiled at every person who walked next to him. I can

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Love Story

This is a story about Amanda Kowalsky and Thomas Eric Thomson. Amanda was a beautiful, young person, but her life wasn’t very exiting. She used to get up at six o’clock every morning, going to

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"Shakespeare in Love" movie review - recenzja flimu "Zakochany Shakespeare"

, Tom Wilkinson and many others. The movie tells a story of a forbidden love between William Shakespeare and Viola de Lesseps set in 1593. Will is a young and promising writer. He tells the