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Bunkier bohaterowie

Język polski

Recenzja filmu "The Hole - Bunkier"

Bardzo rzadko się zdarza, że filmy o rozbrykanych nastolatkach naszych czasów mogą zawierać głębsze przesłania. Utwór „Bunkier” zdaje się jednak wyjątkiem. To nie tylko zabawa, ale także opowieść o tym, jak mroczne tajemnice może kryć ludzka...

Język angielski

The Butterfly Effect - recenzja filmu

mind is now a black hole of half-remembered memories and suppressed pain. When Evan was young, doctor told him that he should write the diary, when he will write what he do everyday. “It will help

Język angielski

Environment in danger - what can be done to help the nature.

Nowadays we can hear a lot about environment. Mostly about global warming effect, ozone hole and many species of animals which are on the edge of extinction. Everyone should think about what can

Język angielski

The Major ecological problem

One of the most important ecological problems is the hole in the ozone layer. It becomes bigger and bigger because people use sprays which damage it. Other thing which makes this hole bigger is


“Many believe that environment degradation of the planet is the most seriously crisis now facing human kind. What do you think? Should business and industry be concerned about “green issues”?

civilization as well as by industrializing. The next one of the important ecological is the hole in ozone layer. The ozone layer this is a region of the upper atmosphere where over 90% of the

Język angielski

The Speckled Band (The story from the point of Sherlock Holmes view.)

for something coming through the hole to the bed. Then we went to Dr. Roylott’s room. There were some furniture and a big safe. Miss Stoner didn’t know what was in it. I noticed a saucer lying on the