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Destroyed forests

DESTROYED FORESTS Do you know what happens with forests all over the world? ? In one minute, 50 acres of rainforest are destroyed. ? In a year, the average American uses as much wood in the form of paper as the average resident of the developing world burns as...


The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The adventures of Huckleberry Finn was written by Mark Twain. He was writing about the time and place of his childhood. This is a story about young boy who?s name is Huck. He has got a lot of dangerous situations but he usually finds a solution to a problem. His the...


Kartka z pamiętnika (uzależnienia)

Kartka z pamiętnika Środa, 26 kwietnia 2007 Drogi pamiętniczku! Nie mam już siły. Ciągle na głowie tyle spraw. Brakuje mi czasu na cokolwiek. Od tegorocznego sylwestra mam jeszcze jedno zmartwienie na głowie. Otóż mój trzynastoletni brat Filip, został zaproszony na...