
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

List do koleżanki/kolegi w którym zapraszam ją/go na wspólną wycieczkę.

Dear Eva I'm writing to ask if you'd like to join me and Natalie for a camping trip on Friday the 21st. It'll be fun! We're all going to meet up at my house at 7am on Friday morning. We're going to travel by train. It's about one hour...



Hi Przemek, Having a wonderful time here in London. Arrived yesterday by plane. I?ve flown for about 4 hours. It was the first time I?ve flown by plane. I?d never flown before. Had been stressed before I boarded on plane but then when I was...


List z wakacji- opis zabytków

4 September Dear Mam and Dad, I'm having a great time here in New York. Yesterday, I went to the Guggenheim Museum. I think it's the best museum I have ever seen! I spent the whole day...


W czasopiśmie angielskim przeczytałaś e-mail od dziewczyny która czuje się bardzo samotnie w nowej szkole. Napisz do niej list z odpowiedzią.

Napisz do niej list z odpowiedzią w którym: - wyrazisz swoje współczucie z zaistaniałej sytuacji i zaproponujesz pomoc - udzielisz kilku rad dotyczących zmiany wyglądu i sposobu ubierania się -napiszesz jakie cechy charakteru pomogą jej nawiązać...


Zostawiłeś swój adres e-mail na jednej z witryn internetowych dla osób chcących nawiązać korespondencję z rówieśnikami z zagranicy. Dostałeś odpowiedź od dziewczyny z Irlandii. Napisz do mniej e-mail.

Napisz do niej e-mail w którym: -przedstawisz się -napiszesz czym się zajmujesz -wymienisz swoje główne zainteresowania -wyrazisz nadzieję że zostaniecie przyjaciółmi Dear Jean, Thanks for your e-mail. My name is XYZ. I live in Osiny, a small...


List do koleżanki z innego miasta w Anglii.

dear judy, I'm very sad because I haven't seen you for a month. I'm in London now at my aunt's house. I came here to enroll on 2 week english course to impove my language. London is wonderful. It's bigger than my town and more crowded. In my...


Napisz list do kolegi\koleżanki z irlandi w którym przedstawisz nowego chłopaka swojej koleżanki. powiedz jak się poznali, podaj przynajmniej 1 ceche charakteru i poprzyj przykładem, podaj 2 cechy wyglądu oraz napisz swoją opinię na temat przysz

Dear Victoria, I am writing to you, because you asked me how Patricia is feel. You know how she felt when Tom left her. At present she is happy and she has a new boyfriend, his name is Martin, he is a really good man. She told me as they fall in...


Letter from friends

Wlasnie wróciłas/eś z wakacji.napisz list do kolegiw którym : *poinformujesz go/ją w jakim regionie spedziłeś/aś wakacje i gdzie mieszkalas *opiszesz szczógne atrakcje regionu i w jakich okolicznościach ich doświadczyłaś/eś *wspomnij jak...


Personal Letter

Hi Jesicca! How do you do? Where would you like to go on holiday, do you have any plans? I want to know something about your contemporary life, we haven't seen each other for months. Anyway, this year I?m spending holiday in sunny Kair. We have...


My adventure

Hi Tom! I hope you will come to Poland this holidays. A lot has changed since you've been here last time. You know that I like animals very much. I would like to tell you about my adventure. When my parents and I were going to my grandmother,...


My new girlfriend

Hi, Ralf! Thank you for your last letter. It was really funny and I have already read it five times! You haven't been in Poland for ages and I would like to meet you during the next holidays. You can be sure you won't get bored here. My...


A letter to an exchange student

Dear Luc, Hi! I'm your exchange student from England. My name is Georg and I'm 16 years old. I live with my parents and my two sisters in Bournemouth, a town on the south coast of England. I'm enclosing a photo of me and my siterss, Lizzie and...


Nieformalny list z nowinami

Dear Anna, I haven?t heard from you for ages, so what has happened to you since our last meeting? You wrote to me that you?re going to Poland in August. This news came to me as a great astonishment, you?re welcomed though. Had you pulled my...


Pocztówka z wakacji.

Hi Agnes, (lub inne imię) We are in Zakopane now and I missing so much. We live in beautiful old house. The weather is great. Sun is shining and it's very hot. Ever day I sightseeing and I trip for Zakopane. Thuesday we wil be go to Morskie Oko....


Będziesz studiować w Londynie, ale nie masz zakwaterowania. Napisz list do znajomej/ego z Anglii z prośbą o pomoc.

W liście: -wyjaśnij, dlaczego piszesz i poproś o pomoc w znalezieniu mieszkania do wynajęcia - napisz, kiedy przyjeżdżasz do Londynu i jak długo zostaniesz - sprecyzuj, jakie mieszkanie odpowiadałoby Ci i za jaką cenę - Poproś o szybką...


List do kolegi z Anglii, którego wcześniej zaprosiłeś na wakacje.

Zawrzyj w nim następujące informacje: - przeproś, że nie odbierzesz go z dworca/lotniska, podając powód - doradź, jakim środkiem transportu dojedzie do Twojego domu i podaj czas podróży - zaproponuj przynajmniej dwie formy spędzania czasu...


Niedawno się przeprowadziłeś. Napisz list do kolegi z Australii.

- napisz, że się przeprowadziłeś i podaj powód - opisz miejscowość, w której teraz mieszkasz - napisz co widzisz przez okno swojego pokoju - podaj swój adres i telefon Dear John, Thank you for your last letter. I am very sorry I haven't...


Twój kolega z USA chce przyjechać do Polski. Napisz do niego e-mail.

- dlaczego chce przyjechać do Polski - zasugerujesz 2 miejsca, które powinien zwiedzić - zaproponujesz wspólną wyprawę rowerową i podasz przykładową trasę - zaporoponujesz pomoc w załatwieniu noclegu i napiszesz, że w następnym mailu wyślesz mu...


List do kolegi (uwzględnij: pomysły na upominki, miejsca w okolicy które mu pokażesz, co będziecie robić wieczorami i w co się ma ubrać).

Dear Kris, How are you? How did you spend last year? I travelled a lot, so I didn't write to you. I'm sorry. When will you come to me? 21th August my friend has birthday. We'll go to her birthday party. Can you buy something? Maybe jewelry or...


Letter about my daily day

Dear Gosia, I'm just writing to you, because I want to tell you about my daily day. I was very pleased indeed to receive your letter. I wake up early, at 5:50 a.m. from monday to friday. I wear up, go down...


List nieformalny z przekazaniem informacji

Thanks for your letter. What have you been up to? Sorry, I haven?t written for long time, but I wasn?t able to write something, because I broke my arm. I did it when I was skiing. My arm was immobilized for four weeks. Now I?m feeling very...


Jesteś nad jeziorem napisz pocztówke do koleżanki

Hi Anna I’m at lake in a tent. Here it’s excellent! The weather is great - clear sky and lots of sunshine. Most of the time we are playing in different game, for example beach volleyball and football. This place is wonderful, quiet and lovely. I...


Napisz pocztówke- relacja z pobytu u rodziny angielskiej

"I'm on holiday in Rewa with my family, visiting my english friends for a fortnight" The weather is very hot and the sun is shining. I'm just standing at big bring baltic. I'm playing volley-ball with new friends. Mom and Dad got sunburnt. Me and...


Przyjęcie zaproszenia od przyjaciół

Dear Matt & Ania, We were delighted to receive the news of Helen and Stewart's marriage via your lovely invitation, which we are more than pleased to accept, as well as wishing the young couple all the very best. It is wonderful that you thought...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Magda, Greetings from Hawaii! This place is realy fabulous. I arrived on Saturday morning and since then I have had a great time here. I'm staying in is 5-star hotel with a big swimming pool and tennis court. My spacious and very comfortable...


List prywatny- o przeprowadzce na wieś

Dear Sarah, Thanks for your last letter! I really liked your story about your new boyfriend. What I would like to write you is that I moved to country. The reason is that my parents wanted to live somewhere where is more fresh air than in...



Hello Mark! Oh, it doesn't matter that you sent it again, I'm happy twice :) Tell me where are you now. Are you still in London? Here it's generally fine but I have a lot of exams in school and I must learn a lot. Anyway, as for music I love indie...


Pocztówka do przyjaciela - Klasowa wycieczka do Zakopanego

Dear Kate, Are you O.K? I and my class are on a trip in Zakopane. You must visit this place. Polish mountains are beautiful! We live in a hotel in city center. Near our hotel is a small shop in which an old women sells souvenires. On ground floor...


List- twój kolega z USA przebywający właśnie w Polsce napisał do ciebie list z propozycja wspólnego wyjazdu w okresie świat wielkanocnych. Ty jednak zaplanowalaś już spędzenie świąt z rodziną. Napisz list, w którym: przeprosisz i podasz pow

Dear Michael, Thank you for your letter very much. I'm writting to you to tell you that I can't get a trip with you at easter. I planed that i will spend easter in this year with my family. I'm really sorry and I feel sad because of fact that we...


Write back to your friends asking them for more information on summer work in Florida.

Hi Sally! First of all, thanks for your reply. I'm writing again because I wanna tell you that after reading your letter I've decided to go to the USA for two months this summer. In connection with that I've got a few questions. I'd like to ask if...


Kłopotliwa sytuacja

Hello Darek. I spent two weeks by the sea last summer with me friend from Cracow. Once of beautiful day we thinking about walking to beach. So we getting swim-suit for our body and we goes to the beach. Children play in the water, boys playing...


Kartka pocztowa z londynu

Dear Molly, Greetings from England! This is beautiful place but it?s always raining. I?m wearing a coat and I having an umbrella! It?s quite windy. London is a nice city. We?re staying at ours friends? house. Me, Sara and Tom went sightseeing....


Aunt Claire Help Center.Odppowiedz na list z punktu widzenia osoby odpowiadającej na listy z problemami nastolatków

Dear student, I just Got your Letter and I think I can help you. It?s normal in your age that you can have difficulties at school. When I was as young as You I had the same situation. But I was really sorry to hear you problem. Let me teach you...


Pocztówka z wakacji

Dear Kate, Grettings from London!! I'm having a wonderful time. I' m staying at a fabulous hotel in the city centre. The weather has been fine so I' ve seen a lot of beautiful places. However, I haven't seen Big...


List nieformalny-doradzasz znajomemu w sprawie wakacji w ośrodku rekreacyjnym

Dear Stephen, I'm sorry I haven't written to you for such a long time but I was very busy. Anyway, thank you for your letter. I've found the leaflet from last years course in Merle Park and I'll try to help you. You asked me...


Dear Karol

Dear Karol Sorry I haven?t written for so long but I?ve been really busy lately studying for my final exams. It was great to get your letter and hear all your latest news, especially the part about you coming to visit in July. The weather is...


Useful phrases and clues for the writing paper FCE, CAE, CPE

ESSAY clear introduction, outline the situation as it is / had been recently. Rhetorical question to lead into the main body. Clear paragraphs, each covering a particular point in your argument or aspect of the subject. Identify whether the task...


You are organizing a camp, ask your friend for help

Dear Agnes, Thanks for your letter. I think you have made a good decision. Now, I have a dilemma. I decided to organize a camping. I have got two offerts. First, is the Three Valleys Campsite which is set in stunning scenery in the national park...


Opowiedz o tradycyjnych polskich potrawach

Hi Joe! Polish traditional food is Slavic traditional food but of course we don?t eat only these meals. In Poland people eat a lot of meat, fat meals (but not me because I don?t like meat), potatoes. We eat some fast foods, pizza and spaghetti....


Dawanie przyjaciółce rad jak zadomowić sie w nowym miejscu

Dear Susan, Sorry I haven't written for a long time, but I'm back in England again. I've just got your letter , and I was sorry to heard you're worried about your loneliness. I bet the problem isn't as bad as it seems, though! What...


List do swojego kolegi z Anglii.

Dear .... , Thanks you for you last letter.I'm sorry haven't written a for a long time.I'm live in Lublin now. I move becouse my mother found work.I move one year ago.My new house a big. I live in the block of flats.I live in the fourth floors.My...


List do przyjaciela z wyjaśnieniami

Hi Peter!! Thank you for your letter and I'm so sorry that I haven't been to you for a long time,but I've just got back from holiday in the USA. I was there about two weeks,so I couldn't write. The USA was an incredible, big country with...


List do koleżanki w odpowiedzi na jej zapytanie o studniówke

Dear Mary! Thank you for your letter. It was nice to hear from you. I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter, but you know that studniowka is very important event and I will agonize it for long time. In connection with your question...


Greetings from sunny Jamaica

Greetings from sunny Jamaica! I'm sitting in my hotel room at the moment, enjoying a cold tropical fruit drink alter a day on the beach. I got mildly sunburnt today, but it's nothing serious – I’ll just spend more time under the shady palm trees...


Jakiś czas temu znalazłeś/łaś zwierzę

Dear Jack, I’m writing to tell you how my life has turned around recently because of the arrival of Charlie – our new pet. He is the most gorgeous black cat I have ever seen. Walking to school, I found him in a box thrown into a refuse bin. He...


Zwroty do listów i krótkich form użytkowych

1. NOTATKA I’ll pop in (tonight) – wpadne ( dziś wieczorem) Sorry to bother you – Przepraszam za kłopot See you – Na razie Please let me know – Proszę daj mi znać Do you fancy – czy masz ochotę Hope you can – Mam nadzieje ze możesz Back...


Zwroty przydatne przy pisaniu listów prywatnych i formalnych

List Prywatny List z przeprosinami o I’m really sorry that I forgot about.. o I’m writing to apologise for… o It will never happen again.. List z zaproszeniem (invitation) o I’m writing to invite you to.. o I’m having a party…: Would you...


Kilka zwrotów do listu nieformalnego.

I'll pop in(tonight) /I'll come round - Wpadnę (dziś wieczorem) Sorry to bother you -Przepraszam za kłopot See you (later) - narazie Please answer -Proszę odezwij się Call back as sonn as possible-Zadzwoń do mnie jak najszybciej Let me know...


Napisz krótki tekst użytkowy.

Podczas pobytu w letniej szkole językowej w Anglii zgubiłeś torbę. Napisz ogłoszenie, które umieścisz na tablicy ogłoszeń: napisz gdzie prawdopodobnie ją zgubiłeś, opisz jej wygląd, podaj jej zawartość, zaznacz w jaki sposób można się z tobą...