
Język angielski

Polecamy | Najnowsze

Czas Present Simple

Czasu tego używamy, gdy mówimy o czynnościach wykonywanych rutynowo (często), a także o prawach przyrody. Przysłówki częstotliwości używane w tym czasie (które warto zapamiętać): always - zawsze often - często usually - zwykle sometimes -...


How much\ How many\a lot of (policzalne i niepoliczalne)

a lot of - dla policzalnych i niepoliczalnych w zdaniach twierdzących np. You need a lot of eggs. many - dla policzalnych w przeczeniach i pytaniach np. Do you bed many apples? You don't need many eggs. much - dla niepoliczalnych w...



Unemployment Unemployment is a very serious problem in Poland.An unemployment rate grows rapidly.Being unemployed these days is not a shame.In the face of rapid technological progress and economic changes , people are often made redundant....


Opis parku miejskiego. Municipal park.

Municipal park One of the most striking and mysterious place I know is the muncipal park in my hometown –Złotoryja. The different name of this place is ‘Bourgeois Hill’. The Park is associating with gibbet that has been to 1819 in front of the...


Dialog w restauracji po angielsku

A: Good morning, miss. Can I assist you? Do you have a reservation? B: Yes. My name is Caroline Berrygirl/Natalie White. A: Ah yes, Miss Berrygirl/White. Please come with me to table number 4. Here is the menu. When you decide what to choose,...



As the clock was striking midnight, there was a loud whisper at the door: ''Let me in!''. Carol was frightened; she remembered the announcer's report: he was talking about a very dangerous criminal who had already killed five people. She...


Czy powinniśmy robić testy na zwierzętach | Testing on animals

The question is difficult, but I will try to answer. Maybe ecologists will be angry on me, but I think, that is good that scientists are testing new substances on animals. I know that rat or any other animal has feelings. But in my opinion it...


Tekst na temat "Jak powinien zachowywać się uczeń na lekcji języka( i wogóle)."

I think that the first-class pupil on English lessons should stop the secondary school oneself from unnecessary commentaries. I also think that every pupil should take an active part in the lesson and carry orders of the teacher out, since for the...


Święta w Polsce: Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Nauczyciela, Dzień Niepodległości

Holidays in Poland In Poland we have many holidays very much and we are tying the big scale to them. They belong to religious holidays Christmas, the Ester and a...


Okresy warunkowe 0, I , II

O OKRES WARUNKOWY If You boil water to 100 C , it heats. Conditions – present simple , result – present simple I OKRES WARUNKOWY -mówimy o trwałych lub powtarzających się stanach rzeczy, a nie o jednostkowym zdarzeniu. Mowa o...


Describe a person you dislike, and explain why you feel his way about him or her

There is no such person who likes everybody. I’m not different. There are couple persons who I dislike. One of theme is a man but I can’t say that I hate him. I’m not going to tell that person name. He’s very arrogant man. He was always speaking...


Importance of tourism

Importance of tourism Tourism, nowadays is one of the most popular way of spending free time. It is higly developed in almost all countries, mainly because of material profits it brings. But...


Present Continuous

Jest to drugi czas dotyczący teraźniejszości. Stosujemy go do wyrażenia czynności odbywającej się w chwili mówienia (obecnie) lub gdy chcemy opisać czynność , która zostanie wykonana w najbliższej przyszłości. Ważne jest, aby dokładnie określić...


My school

Now I am going to the 28th Gymnasium in Toruń. It is on Przy Skarpie 13 street. I am going to this school since 2000. In my class are 25 students (7 boys and 18 girls!). Teachers usually are liberal but some teacher are very strict. In my school...


Climate and weather in Britain

The weather seems to be everybody's favorite topic of conversation in Britain. This is not because people are particularly interested in it, but because people have to talk about something, and the weather serves as a convenient subject. The...


I would like to be

I would like to be a doctor, because I like helping people. Especially when they are ill. I like helping children very much. I am fourteen years old and I am interested in medicine. I already know the names of some diseases. My dream is to live...


Opis świąt - Wielkanoc

Opisz charakter i przebieg jednych z najbardziej popularnych świąt w Polsce. Easter is held every year at the end of April to honour the crucifixion of Christ. As one of the catholic holidays is also celebrated in church everywhere in the...


Przyszłość Świata w następnych pięćdziesięciu latach

Witam ^_^ to moja pierwsza zamieszczona tu praca więc mam nadzieję, że się spodoba. Jest to krótki tekst o wyobrażeniu świata za 50 lat. Możliwe, że jest tam kilka błędów - nikt nie jest doskonały :D Podaję wersję po angielsku i na wszelki wypadek...


Past Simple

Czas ten wyraża czynności, które zostały wykonane w przeszłości, a moment ich wykonania jest dokładnie określony. Past Simple stosuje się także, gdy mówimy ogólnie o przeszłości lub czynnościach wykonywanych w przeszłości regularnie. W...


Opis zdjęcia

On my favourite photos is of me and my boyfriend in England. I took the photo in the summer of 2005 when i was on holiday in England. We were in London and we were walking all days.We visited many famous places in this city. We saw BigBen,...


Tryby warunkowe

Materiał w załączniku


Straszna historia po angielsku

Long long ago in a dark forest lived a beautiful girl named Mery. Her husband, Nick, was a lumberjack. One day we had to go deep into the wood after the winter. While Nick gather wood, Mery was alone at home. Approximate awful long winter...


Opis rodziny- j.angielski

I think I have a small family. There are four people in it. I am 19 years old, I have blond hair and light blue eyes. I am a first-year student at secondary school in Wieruszów. I have a sister but sometimes I wish I had a brother, because I...


My ideal teacher

A teacher needs to help children learn. With an ideal teacher you’ll find that you have learnt something new at the end of every lesson. To do this, they must have a zest for their subject and teaching. Making children learn is easier than it...


My favourite city (Paris)

Have you ever wanted to live in a modern city, one of the bigest places to live in a world ? Set in the heart of northern France, Paris is my favourite city. In this lovely place everyone can find something what they like . Paris has many...


Przepis na potrawe po angielsku

Pasta with delicious sauce Components: ? 50 dag of pasta ? 50 dag of mince meat ? 1 can of tomato pomance ? 1 big onion ? 3 spoons of olive oil ? 2 spoons of flour ? Cayenne ? Pepper ? Salt ? Herbs ? Green parsley Recipe: To give meat good taste...


Moje ulubione miejsce, które pamiętam z dzieciństwa.

There is no other place I could describe. When I was younger every summer holidays I spent in a cottage by the lake. From there comes my favourite memories. Having spent there the best moments of my childhood, I learnt a lot of things and met...


Wady i zalety bycia sławnym. Advantages and disadvantages of being famous.

Advantages and disadvantages of being famous. Most people dream about being famous. They want to be admired and loved by fans. The media show rich and fashionable stars and it is believed that their lives are full of happiness and pleasure....


The advantages and disadvantages of travelling

There are many ways of spending free time. One of them is travelling. Certainly, it has its pros and cons. First advantage of travelling is visiting interesting places and meeting new people. It is connected with getting to know other...


I Wish - If Only



Should animals be kept in zoos?

A lot of people protest against keeping animals in zoos. They claim that animals should live in the wild and keeping them in captivity is cruel and inhumane. But is it really so bad and violent? Are there more advantages than disadvantages of...



Today volunteering more frequently is a just step to career for many young people in Poland. First volunteering was place in Poland when “WIELKA ORKIESTRA ŚWIĄTECZNEJ POMOCY” established. Young Polish students took part in that enterprise....


Zabytki Radomia i okolic

Na terenie Powiatu Radomskiego znajdują się bardzo cenne przyrodniczo obszary: Puszczy Kozienickiej, lasy Iłżeckie oraz torfowiska o specyficznym mikroklimacie. Wiele miejscowości położonych w samej Puszczy lub na jej obrzeżach, znanych ze swych...


Cell-phones while driving argumentative essay

Everyday people die in car accidents because they use cell phones while driving. According to research cell phones are leading factors that cause accidents. Studies show that a cell phone put drivers at a four time greater risk of a crush....


Moje hobby 1

My hobby is music. I listen to music all the time when I am at home, except when I am in the living room and the television is on. Most of all I like pop music and such pop singers as Prince, Tina Turner and groups such as Dire Straits, The...


Holiday in my country- Easter

In many countries of the world Easter is not celebrate. In Poland this holiday is celebrated in a special way for Jesus Christ is resurrected. About forty days before Easter we celebrate Lent . During that time we are customarily do not dance or...


Angielski dla początkujących

STRUKTURA ZDANIA : 1.Porządek wyrazów w zdaniu W odróżnieniu od języka polskiego zdanie angielskie ma na ogół ustalony i ściśle przestrzegany porządek. W zdaniu angielskim nie wolno: zmieniać szyku zdania opuszczać orzeczenia i podmiotu...


Many people suffer from stress

In my opinion nowadays life is more dynamic and variable. It goes on more swiftly. In consequence people are surrounded with many stressful factors and suffer from too much pressure. In turns of my case, school and rasps in my family are very high...


Zabytki Londynu

Big Ben Big Ben is part of the Houses of Parliament building, where there has been a parliament since 1275. However, Big Ben is not the name of the Clock Tower, but rather the name of the bell inside! The Houses of Parliament is home to the House...


My favourite day

My favorite day of the week is Saturday, when I with my family drives in my parents hause. We gets up at 8:00 o'clock and I make family brekfast. After brekfast we by car to my parents at 1 hours. My parents live in hause in the country. My...


The Story About My Holiday Adventure

Last summer my friends and I were on the camp at the seaside. We spent there marvelous time playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the sea. One sunny day we were walking on the beach. It was stiflingly hot so I went to the shop to buy...


Tematy maturalne (ustna)

Arkusz ćwiczeniowy 1 A. Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji i wskazówek Poszukujesz mieszkania w centrum Berlina. W gazecie jest ogłoszenie, które Cię zainteresowało. Dzwonisz do wynajmującego mieszkanie i pytasz: •o położenie domu •o cenę...


Opisz swój ulubiony przedmiot.

My favourite day is sunday. I sometimes goes a kirk at hour 9, but usually goes at hour 12. When I get back always eats dinner. Afternoon I usually watches TV. After I often makes lection. I sommetimes goes to a friend. Next I eats supper an d...


Present Simple oraz Present Continuous

A. PRESENT SIMPLE ORAZ PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE a) wzór zdania twierdzącego, zastosowanie, charakterystyczne przysłówki częstotliwości oraz określenia przysłówkowe Wzór zdania twierdzącego: PODMIOT + (przysł.częstotl.) +...


Moje ostatnie wakacje- My last holiday

Half my holidays I spent on the job.I worked in the Northern Shipyard. Afterwards I went to my grandmamma which lives in the small city Golub-Dobrzyń forty kilometres from Thorn (Toruń). There I was born and I lived by fourteen years. I have there...


Wszystkie czasy + przykłady

Czas Operator Forma czasownika Końcówki Przysłówki czasu Przykłady zdań Present Continuous be (am,is, are) I forma czasownika -ing now; at the moment; at present; just She is getting up late this week....


My crime story

My crime story began here, in my house. The night was dark and full of stars and I was alone in home because my parents wanted to visit Warsaw. I was sitting by the fire, when I noticed that someone was looking at me through the window. I...


Travel & Tourism - speech

Today everybody likes going abroad. We can choose travel or tourism. Travel is a good way of learning about the world, it teaches us many interesting things about cultures of different nationalities. We also travel to find a well-paid job or meet...


Advantages and disadvantages of internet

Internet is something which often helps us in live. It has a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but I think that positive sides of Internet are more then negative. The first advantage of using the internet is helping people in education. It’s...


My best childhood memory

I will never forget that hot summer day when we moved to a new house. We got up at 5 a.m. and spent whole morning packing but by the lunchtime we still had a lot things to do. We placed fragile items to the special containers . My mum told the...