
Person I admire the most

poleca 84% 2896 głosów


The person I admire the most is Jan Paweł II his real name Karol Wojtyła. When He was young He lived in Wadowice where He was born, next He moved to Cracow where he was studying at Jagielonski University next in October 1979 he went to Vatican and there he was selected pope on 16th of October 1978. He was one of the most important people all over the world. During the second world war He fought for freedom. He choose “the battle of words” because He was the Artist and the Actor. His device were Latin words Tutus Tuus – all yours …
Jan Paweł II was a very well educated person because
He could speak many languages.
Jan Paweł II had 85 years. He died in Vatican 2th of April 2005 because of cardiovascular collapse. He wanted to reconstruct Christian church and to unite all the believers.
He’s favorite song was Barka.
The most I admire him for that although had Parkinson disease He didn’t resign from function and fight with his disability to the end.
Jan Paweł II taught me how to love and how to forgive but also return my believe in God and for this I most thanks him… In my opinion He was greatest man in history of world.

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