
Język angielski

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Opis rodziny- j.angielski

I think I have a small family. There are four people in it. I am 19 years old, I have blond hair and light blue eyes. I am a first-year student at secondary school in Wieruszów. I have a sister but sometimes I wish I had a brother, because I...


My favourite subject in school is English - speech

My favourite subject in school is English. It is quite easy and pleasant to study it. English is used in each field of life and it is useful to know it. Most of web sides are in English. It is nice to be able to use such a sides like yahoo, msn...


My favourite city (Paris)

Have you ever wanted to live in a modern city, one of the bigest places to live in a world ? Set in the heart of northern France, Paris is my favourite city. In this lovely place everyone can find something what they like . Paris has many...


Straszna historia po angielsku

Long long ago in a dark forest lived a beautiful girl named Mery. Her husband, Nick, was a lumberjack. One day we had to go deep into the wood after the winter. While Nick gather wood, Mery was alone at home. Approximate awful long winter...


Opis dnia po angielsku

I usually wake up at 7 o'clock. I quickly make my bed and go to the bathroom. I wash my eyes, face and brush my teeth with a toothbrush, then I carefully comb my long hair. I put my clothes on and I am ready to have some breakfast. I usually have...


I Wish - If Only



Should animals be kept in zoos?

A lot of people protest against keeping animals in zoos. They claim that animals should live in the wild and keeping them in captivity is cruel and inhumane. But is it really so bad and violent? Are there more advantages than disadvantages of...


Men are more interested in sport than woman.

Men are often associated with tin of beers, sitting in front of the TV and watching a football match. Then woman want to switch over to some serial or talk-show. It is generally considered that men are more interested in sport than women. Let's...


Opis zdjęcia

On my favourite photos is of me and my boyfriend in England. I took the photo in the summer of 2005 when i was on holiday in England. We were in London and we were walking all days.We visited many famous places in this city. We saw BigBen,...


Zabytki Londynu

Big Ben Big Ben is part of the Houses of Parliament building, where there has been a parliament since 1275. However, Big Ben is not the name of the Clock Tower, but rather the name of the bell inside! The Houses of Parliament is home to the House...


My favourite day

My favorite day of the week is Saturday, when I with my family drives in my parents hause. We gets up at 8:00 o'clock and I make family brekfast. After brekfast we by car to my parents at 1 hours. My parents live in hause in the country. My...


The Story About My Holiday Adventure

Last summer my friends and I were on the camp at the seaside. We spent there marvelous time playing volleyball on the beach and swimming in the sea. One sunny day we were walking on the beach. It was stiflingly hot so I went to the shop to buy...


Tematy maturalne (ustna)

Arkusz ćwiczeniowy 1 A. Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji i wskazówek Poszukujesz mieszkania w centrum Berlina. W gazecie jest ogłoszenie, które Cię zainteresowało. Dzwonisz do wynajmującego mieszkanie i pytasz: •o położenie domu •o cenę...


"Opis mojego pokoju" po angielsku

I really love this room. My room is huge. It has 20 square miters. It is placed in the southern part of my house. There are two windows in which I can see my neighbours. The walls in my room are green and so it?s well lit. In my room there?s a...


Present Simple oraz Present Continuous

A. PRESENT SIMPLE ORAZ PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. THE PRESENT SIMPLE a) wzór zdania twierdzącego, zastosowanie, charakterystyczne przysłówki częstotliwości oraz określenia przysłówkowe Wzór zdania twierdzącego: PODMIOT + (przysł.częstotl.) +...


Advantages and disadvantages of using Internet

Nowadays almost everyone in the world have had a contact with computers. A great part of them has been using international computer’s net known as Internet. I think using internet has more advantages then disadvantages. First of all, Internet...


My last holidays

This year's holidays I spent with my cousin Kinga in the United States of America. We've begun our adventure in Cracow, from where we left Poland. We were very afraid of flying by a plane. Nine hours later we got to Newark, where our granparents...


Be going to (używamy 'to be' + going to + czasownik + reszta zdania)

'Going to' używamy gdy: - mówimy o tym, co zamiwrzamy zrobić w przyszłości np. We're going to hare patry on Sunday. - wiemy na pewno, że coś się wydarzy w najbliższej przyszłości np. It's going to rain. (Zaraz zacznie padać.) - przed...


Describe a person you dislike, and explain why you feel his way about him or her

There is no such person who likes everybody. I’m not different. There are couple persons who I dislike. One of theme is a man but I can’t say that I hate him. I’m not going to tell that person name. He’s very arrogant man. He was always speaking...


I would like to be

I would like to be a doctor, because I like helping people. Especially when they are ill. I like helping children very much. I am fourteen years old and I am interested in medicine. I already know the names of some diseases. My dream is to live...


List oficjalny i prywatny- jak pisać?

LIST PRYWATNY Wstep Thanks for you recent letter. I’m sorry I haven’ written so long but…, Zakończenie: ( spotk) Looking forward to see-ing you/ hearing from you. (zakończ :) Love … LIST Z PRZEPROSINAMI: -I’m really sorry that I forgot...


Opis domu po angielsku

I live in a house in Sydney. It's got four bedrooms and a garden. Downstairs, when you go through the front door, you're in the hall. On the left is the sitting room, on the right is the dining room (the dining room isn't as big as the sitting...


Keeping animals in zoos has both advantages and disadvantages

Nowadays, a lot of animals live in zoos. Is it right or wrong to keep them in the zoos? The following essay presents some pros and cons of this problem. First of all, people can see wild, beautiful, exotic animals. They can...


My typical day at school

Our classes always starts at 8.15, but students are usually much earlier in the bulding, doing their homewok if they didn't have time day before, and chating with friends. First subject is polish. Everyone is afraid of this lesson, because Mrs....


My best childhood memory

I will never forget that hot summer day when we moved to a new house. We got up at 5 a.m. and spent whole morning packing but by the lunchtime we still had a lot things to do. We placed fragile items to the special containers . My mum told the...


„Describe a person you know well”

The person I would like to describe I my brother. I know him since I know. It is about 18 years. I saw him as I remember 11th may 1984 when my parents bring me at home from hospital. He is tall. He isn’t very thin and fat. He has got a brown...


Tematy na prezentacje - poziom rozszerzony angielski

Topics for discussion 1. What shapes our personality: our genes or the environment in which we grow up? Justify your opinion. 2. Does our nationality determine the way we think and act? In what way? 3. Do you believe in horoscopes? Can our...


Moje ostatnie wakacje- My last holiday

Half my holidays I spent on the job.I worked in the Northern Shipyard. Afterwards I went to my grandmamma which lives in the small city Golub-Dobrzyń forty kilometres from Thorn (Toruń). There I was born and I lived by fourteen years. I have there...


Czerwony Kapturek- Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time, in the middle of a thick forest in a small cottage lived a pretty girl known to everyone as Little Red Riding Hood with her mother. She was called so because she always wore a red coat. One day her grandmother suddenly fell...


Święta w Polsce: Boże Narodzenie, Dzień Nauczyciela, Dzień Niepodległości

Holidays in Poland In Poland we have many holidays very much and we are tying the big scale to them. They belong to religious holidays Christmas, the Ester and a...


A typical day in your life.

On a typical day I get up at 6 o'clock. In the morning I'm pressed for time because I like to sleep. At home I drink only a tea and I rus to work. I drive to work and listen to hip - hop. I start work about 7 o'clock. At first I'm preparing for...


Present Simple Tense - Czas teraźniejszy prosty

1. Używamy, gdy mówimy o czynności stałej, codziennej, powtarzającej się. 2. Słówka charakterystyczne: a) every day - każdego dnia every year - każdego roku every week - każdego tygodnia b) always - zawsze often - często...


What social problems are the most serious in Poland nowadays?

I believe that unemployment is currently the most pressing social issue in Poland, particularly among young people. Many graduates from schools and universities struggle to secure employment, leading them to perceive limited prospects for their...


Strona bierna -passive voice

Strona bierna (passive voice) Definicja Podobnie jak w języku polskim tak i w języku angielskim zdania występują w tzw. stronie czynnej (active voice) oraz stronie biernej (passive voice). Większość zdań tworzymy w sposób naturalny w stronie...


Dzień Św. Patryka (St. Patrick's Day) - referat/speech

On March 17, everybody is Irish! Saint Patrick's Day is a cultural and religious holiday celebrated on 17 March. It commemorates Saint Patrick, the patron saints of Ireland, and the arrival of Christianity in Ireland. Saint Patrick's Day is...


A description of a person I admire most.

Opis osobę, która najbardziej podziwiasz Ever since I first met my admirable friend Lily on-holiday camp several years ago, she has been my favourite, irreplaceable companion. My kindred spirit. The first thing you notice about her, are her...


A computer is necessary for college students for three reasons:

Nowadays we are bombarded with technology. Our parents and grandparents couldn't dream about devices like computer, cell-phones, video-games which are everywhere right now. Today computers with Internet access are almost in every home and it...


Przepis na barszcz czerwony po angielsku

„Beetroot soup with raviolis” Ingredients: - 1 kilogram beets - 2 carrots - 2 parsleys - half an celery - salt, pepper - maggi (condiment) - 1 slice of bread - 5 parts of garlic - 1 spoon of sugar - condiments - raviolis - mushrooms...





School of the future.

School is an institution which is associated with duties and responsibilities. Many students do not like it but in the future it will change. In 2050 my ideal school building will be coloured blue and yellow and will be situated near a...


Opis mojego pokoju

I like my room because it is cosy and warm. There are two windows in it, so it is very clear. From the window you see trees and flowers from the garden, so the views are wonderful. `My room is big and comfortable. Room is painted white. On the...


My fauvorite film "Shrek"

Film is part of our lives. It is all around us. My fauvorite film is ,, Shrek’’. It is a fantastic comedy for everyone, for kids ,for student ,for old people. What is the story about ? It is about the big green monster who enjoys...


What discoveries and inventions are important for our everyday life?

Every day, in every corner of the world, we encounter a plethora of different items, many of which we use routinely without pausing to consider their origins. If I were to delve into the vast array of discoveries and inventions that have shaped...


Spędzanie czasu wolnego.

After a long and tiring day at school I like to spend my free time in such away that I feel relaxed. The kinds of activity I choose depend upon the time of the year. When it is sunny and warm I go out. When it is cold, rainy and dull - I stay at...


Moje wakacje po angielsku

Last summer, my family won a travel competition. The prize was a holiday to Brittany was brilliant. We were on the ship for hours. At first the sea was exciting, but then it became boring. My sister and I read a book about France. I tried to speak...


Radio, TV, magazines, the internet – which the best way on passing on the news and entertainment to the public?

We live in the 21st century. In my opinion, the best way to deliver news and entertainment to the public is through the internet. With just a click, you can access a multitude of activities on the web. Whether it's reading news from around the...


Opis osoby

I have known my aunt Monika since I was born. When I hear a word “Monika” I see in my mind smiling funny girl, who is talking about something strange or just stupid. She is sixteen years old. My aunt goes to the sevent secondary school in...


Plan dnia.

My weekday begins at 7 a.m. when I make my bed, wash myself, and get dressed. Afterwards I eat my breakfast and at twenty to eight I am ready to leave for school. My exercise and lecture begin at 8 a.m. Usually we have 2 or 3 exercises which...


My free time

After a long and tiring day at school I like to spend my free time in such away that I feel relaxed. The kinds of activity I choose depend upon the time of the year. When it is sunny and warm I go out. When it is cold, rainy and dull - I stay at...