
Napisz 20 czasowników które odmienić trzeba przez liczby i osoby w Present Simple

5 pkt za rozwiązanie + 3 pkt za najlepsze rozwiązanie - 22.1.2024 (19:05)
24.1.2024 (12:00)
Oto 20 czasowników w języku angielskim, które odmienia się przez liczby i osoby w czasie teraźniejszym prostym (Present Simple):

1. go - I go, he/she/it goes, we/you/they go
2. eat - I eat, he/she/it eats, we/you/they eat
3. have - I have, he/she/it has, we/you/they have
4. do - I do, he/she/it does, we/you/they do
5. work - I work, he/she/it works, we/you/they work
6. study - I study, he/she/it studies, we/you/they study
7. play - I play, he/she/it plays, we/you/they play
8. read - I read, he/she/it reads, we/you/they read
9. write - I write, he/she/it writes, we/you/they write
10. watch - I watch, he/she/it watches, we/you/they watch
11. walk - I walk, he/she/it walks, we/you/they walk
12. talk - I talk, he/she/it talks, we/you/they talk
13. listen - I listen, he/she/it listens, we/you/they listen
14. run - I run, he/she/it runs, we/you/they run
15. swim - I swim, he/she/it swims, we/you/they swim
16. speak - I speak, he/she/it speaks, we/you/they speak
17. live - I live, he/she/it lives, we/you/they live
18. sleep - I sleep, he/she/it sleeps, we/you/they sleep
19. drive - I drive, he/she/it drives, we/you/they drive
20. teach - I teach, he/she/it teaches, we/you/they teach
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