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It was about 1 am. We were waiting for our over stop. Hastily the train stoped in the middle of nowhere. Everyone asked: "Why ist it stop?" , "Where are we?".
Suddenly we heared a voice of conductor: "Welcome on Woodstock!".
It was a surprise, but we came out of the train.
The night was dark so we didn't see too much. When we got out of the train we musted to find all friends and went on the tent field to arrange over new houses... I mean tents.
Of course it was to beautiful to be real. We lost in the crowd one of ours friends. But it wasn't so hopeless situation, because he had one of ours tents and a sleeping-bag.
When we finaly found some free spaces we started to arrange tents to get some sleep.
Next day morning we decided to see all Woodstock. The arena made on me the most impression. It was very big and colourful. I couldn't wait when concerts began!
Round the road was many beautiful, yellow sunflowers. Girls were making wreath from them and wear for all Woodstock. We went to the booth to buy some souvenirs.
That night we didn't sleep. First we listened to the concerts, playied cards and talked. Then we watched movies on the screen near the small arena.
That was over first day of Woodstock.

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